Connie Normington

Apr 22 at 01:59 PM

Jason, please ask Ray if a person could be working for TSL and not know they are? Please I have had a very unusual life. It seems someone or something is using me to experience things I just don't understand! Thank you in advance. I love you both.

Apr 22 at 01:48 PM

I had the book of Urantia. I was begining to believe in it. Some odd things started happening. I got rid of the book. I would like to know what Ray thinks about the book of Urantia too.

Apr 22 at 01:40 PM

If the brain goes without oxygen for even a few seconds there is damage. I flatlined during a coma for just under a minute and I suffered nervedamage.

I have seen UFOs all my life. I am 77 now, the first one I remember, was in 1951. I was 5. There were 4 of them sort of gliding over our street. The whole neighborhood was standing out in the street watching them. The made no sound. They were the plimp, or ccigar shaped craft.


I think a lot of us know these facts my friend. The world is finally waking up.

That kind of activity use to be going on. Those rather unfriendly ETs have been banned from visiting earth for about a decade now.

The Galactic Federation of Worlds have put a stop to those kinds of things. The ETs that are visiting earth now are friendly and are watching our spiritual development. They are on our side and are applauding our efforts to raise our spiritual development. They are waiting to be able to welcome us into the the GFW. One day they will be able to openly be amongst us and welcome us as members with all the other Worlds . We are becoming inter galactic citizens. The future that lays ahead of us is peaceful and bright, despite what we see happening on earth right now. We truly are entering the Age of Aqurious. I have met the group of friendly beings from Mintaka, system in the belt area of the constellation Orion. I was taken aboard their craft and treated with kindness and I enjoyed them. They are telepathic. I felt them laughing and enjoying our meeting. I

Apr 17 at 06:36 PM

Some of the reasons for the sinkholes could posibly be do to to all the tunnels that are underground all over earth? I am just wondering.

Apr 17 at 06:30 PM

I have been noticing the samething for about two years now.


Apr 17 at 06:27 PM

How do we know this? It certanly did not wring when an astronaught dropped a heavy object on it. There is no atmosphere to carry the sound on the moon.

I think about half of the people believe UFOs are real I don't have to believe. I KOW they are real!