
Niagara Falls, Canada

Love will prevail 🖖🌈🤍


Sep 04 at 10:53 AM

Does anyone have experience with telepathy? I'm curious if there are others on here who are able to communicate using the frequency of ringing in the ears. I am able to control the ringing, as in lowering and raising the pitch and frequency in order to establish connection. I can also make the ringing start and stop on command. I would love to connect with others who are able to do this, if possible. I've only been successful twice, I'm looking to learn more and maybe get some helpful advice on how to deepen my connection. TIA 🖖🌈🤍



May 22 at 10:26 PM

What does it mean when me and some other person has the EXACT same dream about being watched by aliens?
I had this dream (I will make another post about it if requested), I told a select few about it to reach out for help as I have been feeling and seeing things since. My mother in law approached me today and started telling me about this dream and my jaw just dropped because she was describing the same exact dream I had. There was no way that she could have known because she also gave details about the location that I had never told anyone. What does this mean!!?!?!?!



May 12 at 09:03 PM

Saw this on my feed, thought I'd share 🤭



May 08 at 01:44 PM

Quick question. Has anybody ever experienced a vivid dream about being visited by aliens, not necessarily an abduction?
I had my first experience like that and it felt very .. clear. I do not know where I was but I was with my family and a random big house .. I want to say like a lodge, and remember being outside in the backyard watching the sky and pointing out some ufo's that I noticed to a couple people. I waved to let them know that I saw them and just to welcome them. Then everytime I noticed them throughout the night, they seemed to be getting closer and closer. We all went inside to eat, it was already dark outside and then I noticed seeing faces in the window above the door, they were not so clear because of the glare from the lights inside. They were alien though. There were three of them just looking at me and whoever was beside me at the time. They must have been really tall or were hovering because the door itself was around 7ft. The first one was what we would call a grey skin and the other two were a hybrid. I'm pretty sure the two hybrids were female. I didn't get a great look at them before I woke up. I do not typically remember my dreams at all so this was certainly unusual. Just wondering if anybody had any similar experiences with close encounters like that through a dream. Also I was not afraid in the slightest, it was a calming experience for me. Just trying to find clarity.


May 02 at 08:54 AM

Here is a better picture of the anomaly I captured a bit ago. I was also seeing white saucers over my backyard the past few weeks. Let me know what you think. Ontario 🇨🇦
Other pics in the comments.



Apr 17 at 04:19 PM

Around 14 years ago, I had 3 reoccurring dreams over the course of 2 years. They were the most vivid dreams I've ever had in my life and they were all exactly the same from what I can remember
The dreams consisted of 3 scenes like out of a movie, however It felt very real. The pain and heartache I felt was real.
The first thing I saw was that I was standing to the entrance of a town that was on fire and the sky was smokey and red. Despite the panic of the people around me and the heavy smoke and heat, I felt oddly calm but I was also very confused as to what was going on. I decided to look up into the sky and in all the heavy smoke appeared a large red planet. It didn't seem like it was going to crash, kind of just sitting there spinning on an angle. It was so close that i felt like you could touch it at some points. The more I looked at the planet the more scared an panicked I felt.
Then the scene changed and I was suddenly on a beach in the middle of the night. I heard many people behind me just sobbing and wailing, I also felt heavy with sorrow and felt myself crying. The water was calm, nothing but little ripples here and there and the water was black, the sky was also pitch black and it just gave of the feeling of emptiness. In the water sat a little boat/craddle and in it was a little baby girl, she was sleeping peacefully and with my eyes filled with tears I pushed the boat out into the open body of water. I felt so much pain as if I've lost a child. But the baby was alive and well. I felt nothing wrong with her. She had beautiful energy radiating from her .. I don't know why I had to let her go.
Then I ended up back in the town I was in prior, the sky was blue and the sun was shining, buildings were collapsed all around me with a bit of smoke and debris from the ground and people were searching the rubble for their loved ones. I was also searching for someone and I was standing in front of a collapsed basement where I spotted somebody's arm sticking out from under a large concrete slab. I panicked and started crying for help .. that's when I woke up and I was actually sobbing and my pillow was soaked.
Has anybody else experienced anything similar? Are these dreams or past memories? I have never been able to remember many of my dreams, tge ones I do remember are short dreams that typically don't makes sense and are very random. This dream has stuck with me over the years and I still remember the emotion I felt as if it had just happened.

Thank you for reading 🤍💞🌈



Apr 17 at 12:41 PM

Just watched the extraordinary documentary. Just sitting here wondering to myself if the Stan Romanek incident was a set up. He seemed to have a lot of proof with what he was experiencing ... touchy subject, I'm aware. What does everyone think?