
May 01 at 09:54 PM

Well congrats homie. Keep spreading the vibe. Art like this entices me to get a tattoo. And I'm almost 50 with none, ha.

Apr 29 at 10:29 AM

Any info. On where, when or who created it? Even If it's just an AI picture, it's still really creative. Just curious, tks.

Apr 27 at 11:04 PM

Girl, you so cray-zee with that spiritual-alien jive.


Apr 27 at 11:32 AM

Hopefully in 10ish yrs it won't be such crazy talk. But I certainly can relate.

Is it logical?

"When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful

A miracle, oh, it was beautiful, magical

And all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily

Oh, joyfully, oh, playfully watching me

But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible

Logical, oh, responsible, practical

Then they showed me a world where I could be so dependable

Oh, clinical, oh, intellectual, cynical

There are times when all the world's asleep

The questions run too deep

For such a simple man

Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned?

I know it sounds absurd

Please tell me who I am

I said, now, watch what you say, they'll be calling you a radical

A liberal, oh, fanatical, criminal

Oh, won't you sign up your name? We'd like to feel you're acceptable

Respectable, oh, presentable, a vegetable

Oh, take, take, take it, yeah

But at night, when all the world's asleep

The questions run so deep

For such a simple man

Won't you please (oh, won't you tell me)

Please tell me..."

Apr 20 at 02:44 PM

♥︎999♥︎ end game? Well perhaps not in the game of life. But shhhh, right now it's a secret. Aaauuummm....

True treasure maps to help guide humans into and beyond the deepest secrets of the universe? Sorry, not sorry if you get splashed a bit. "Well I'm on my way

I don't know where I'm going

I'm on my way

I'm taking my time

But I don't know where

Goodbye to Rosie, the queen of Corona

Seein' me and Julio

Down by the schoolyard

Seein' me and Julio

Down by the schoolyard"

-My efforts a bit of a stretch, but Julio is also the author of the book. *moonwalks*

Apr 20 at 06:45 AM

Evidently, A LOT! But that's okay. I am grateful for my lot. Stop on by anytime. Thank you. God Blesses


Apr 19 at 11:29 AM

♥︎999♥︎ End game? Dunno, but a great interest. Perhaps the 3d level ends, but not the game. Oh, if my time has come for reasons I'd not understand, im still insta resigning up for another 3d encounter. But I'd try to guess beginning stages of 5d isnt near an ending. 3d is a school for the infancy of the soul. It's the beginning of a never ending blissful and purposeful experience.


Apr 19 at 12:50 AM

Another good one is..."I'm not 48yrs old, I've reached Level 48 and still growing"