
Portland, OR, United States

I am sovereign and intuitive empath. I recognize the universal natural laws given by the creator. My principles are most important to me.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

May 18 at 09:34 PM

I’d like to hear what you have to share. I’m very intrigued in learning the information you have video pics or anything that you have witnessed if you are still interested in sharing. 585q1s9x@duck.com

May 15 at 11:00 AM

I’ve witnessed craft living next to Mt Adam’s since my childhood. I wish people took me seriously when I tell them what I’ve witnessed. Maybe I’m sharing with the wrong people. I guess they have the Eceti ranch right off hwy 141. I’ve always wanted to stop in there and talk with the people that occupy the ranch and see if they have had the same experiences or similar.

This is the problem people don’t seem to understand. We have no government. We have compromised leaders. Why? You ask…. Because our so called leaders are being blackmailed because of their alcoholism, weird sex lives and inside trading or allegiance to Israel and Zionism it could be anything. Some of these “leaders” are complicit with trafficing children, remain silent or are scared because of Americas history of actions towards ppl who don’t follow the narrative. It’s imparative that you all understand this predictament that we are in as earthlings. The 1% that have a deep rooted hatred towards the 99%. Those ppl have brainwashed and strong armed ppl in a pyramid scheme of control and the average person are at the bottom of that pyramid. There are more of us than them and sacrifices will be made either on their terms or ours so what’s it going to be? I will not be deterred from my belief. We need to unite and show love to each other and stand up for each other no matter what.

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 22 at 01:47 PM

That makes no sense logically. But then again the info that Jason goes out of his way to put on this platform is up to you to use how ever you want. He is pushing his agenda on anyone. You need to ask yourself why someone would claim that without any evidence to back it up? Hmmmm? I don’t want to be rude but it sounds like BS but I love and respect you anyway. We all have opinions and we all need to use our logic and intuition when it comes to information or claims like this. Choose to believe whatever you want just do it by using your logic. Love & Respect to all!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Apr 19 at 03:00 PM

All of you that comment about craziness are not getting the big picture. All of you that keep bringing religion in to the fold are not getting the big picture. Your awareness is not quite where it should be and that’s ok. It’s not what I’d prefer for my fellow humans and it makes me feel like this awareness will take a lot longer than I hoped for and that’s ok to. I love you all no matter what kind of journey your on presently. I know some people’s journeys take a lot longer than others and it’s not my job to push my beliefs on you but I do have a right to have a belief as a human. As are all of you! So instead of doing what your doing, understand the programming of the narrative and look with in. Please for the sake of humanity look with in. We are all accountable and responsible for our reality. I wish that could be clarified right now. My perspective grows every day bigger and bigger as I stand back and really look n take it in. Educate yourself. The truth is a heavy burden to bare.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Apr 19 at 02:04 PM

Seeing this gives me hope to keep fighting for each other and that matters to me. All ugliness aside, my heart still roots for the people. That’s me and all of you. I do love all my fellow humans and as I want to respect the experiences that we are all having here because without them we don’t move forward in universal awareness. Im still am angry, shocked, disgusted, frustrated, I have grief, pity and empathy because I move through all the emotions humans have and doing my best to move past all those emotions and try to focus on love which means good works and putting myself among the people doing good  in the name of serving others, for my own sanity. I spread information to those who are ready to hear and not a lot are . That’s the experience I’ve had but my heart has more love in it than any other emotion and always has since the days of my innocence.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Apr 19 at 01:45 PM

I believe Ray and like it’s been stated  that the leader we really need is not here, I think Disney movies have really done a number on the masses like a hero comes a saves the situation so look inside yourself and find the hero and find that inner humanitarian and spread love and awareness. Don’t turn your back on the fact that there is evil in this world that no one person is going to save you from as we are all accountable and responsible for our future. Love is the ultimate tool, although because of my human instinct, I agree with Ray when he says you have to answer violence with violence but the humanitarian system de of me or spiritual side???? Says what TLS is doing is probably correct because they are the experts and have had first hand experience with everything that is going on. Besides that if we don’t move past the notion that we have a president who makes moves among the billionaire chess board we really are not getting the entire perspective here.
