May 18 at 10:05 AM

Julie Lamarche  all memberships include UNIFYD TV films, documentaries and interviews, as well as Monday Night Lives. The Plus membership includes all livestream events and workshops such as the transformation and live one-on-ones with Jason.

Sorry if that's what you took away from it! It is really way more than that. It's more about people having the drive and discipline to be the best versions of themselves


May 17 at 01:16 PM

I was going to ask if you thought maybe it had to do with a past life


May 17 at 09:27 AM

Hi Kasey, I am not seeing a membership attached to your account. If you believe there is an error, please reach out to member support https://44ev6j23bhs.typeform.com/contact-unifyd

May 17 at 09:22 AM

Veryyyyy soon!


May 16 at 01:19 PM

Julie Lamarche  okay yes, definitely reach out to member support so they can assist you

May 16 at 09:22 AM

Hi Julie! We are happy to have you here. What are you having trouble accessing? Could you please reach out to member support so they can make sure you're not missing access to anything you are supposed to have https://44ev6j23bhs.typeform.com/contact-unifyd