My cousin got me hooked on fet. I did it for about 7 months and I snorted it. For me I didn't want to quit I didn't know where to get it. I put myself on methadone but the clinic wasn't really helping me. They don't really care. It was a daily struggle and I suffered mentally. I swych yo suboxine and I hate it but it's all I have. I would lobe to get fet just a couple tomes more. I miss being happy inside. That gave me the mental happiness I struggle everyday to find.
Commented on DISCLOSURE 1
Apr 26 at 03:04 PM
I have learned that when you open your mind to things,let go of the fear of society,close your eyes m,fee's the energy,in the light,where the frequency is strongest in your area, link on to that feeling, you will automatically feel yourself losing the ability to open your eyes, you must g e t past all of that, learn how to really reach inside,feel for it, I have never really done it willingly it was more through a stress nap where I was trying to calm myself and noticed my body pulling towards an energy. Inhave yet to figure out how to use or unlock it but I'd like to learn. I am a Pisces I was born on Feb 29th 1988 I was told I have special abilities and the world aligned that night made me special but I have never been able to truly understand or learn how to use any of it.