tia sylvester

Commented on 🥰

Sep 06 at 05:27 AM

Dog teaches love


Sep 06 at 05:23 AM

Washington State


Sep 06 at 05:23 AM

Ray I'm new to all of this enlightenment of new topics and such but love the book so far I have read a couple times ...

My question though there has been so called missing books like with Adam n Eve?, if there was were they ever found ?

Is there anyone of true bloodline to Adam or Eve


Sep 05 at 09:28 PM



Sep 05 at 03:33 PM

I agree completely with you I'm on social security and not enough left over to do anything with but I feel like this is separation between rich n poor

Commented on Patient Seventeen

Aug 24 at 01:11 AM

It's sad though that Dr Lier had to pass away because he was very strong minded when talking about this where was this guy looks like he is in fear of saying anything or am I the only one who sees this ????

I only say this because Jeremy as well as patient 17 are asking serious questions they're like having to pull it out of them I guess it's not a bad thing but if you're in this type of business I wouldn't be getting too. Just saying I respect it but


Jul 30 at 06:29 AM

Forgiveness is something that will lighten the heavyness that weighs one down


Commented on 💫

Jul 05 at 07:26 PM

This is intriguing and very interesting

Commented on TRANCE

Jun 14 at 08:07 AM

The story of what took place with Kathy is absolutely something I've never heard of, I am so greatful to the man who helped her get through it and to know Kathy O'Brien has the strength to tell her story is with courage much luv n respect to you Kathy O'Brien 🙏🙏🙏

Jun 14 at 05:15 AM

I was a sceptic and naive to a lot .

After listening to Jason shurka and Ray I became so hooked on what was being said that it has made truly have more questions I am thankful to all
