tia sylvester

Commented on 💚

Jun 07 at 05:40 PM

How do I do this

Jun 07 at 03:33 PM

Now I would love to learn about this especially for myself


Jun 07 at 03:31 PM

I'm not from UK but thought to say hello I'm in Washington State

Commented on The Great Awakening

Jun 06 at 12:55 AM

I never got it as I'm an a.erican this country was found on freedom of choice freedom of speech I do what I want I don't listen period

Commented on Zeitgeist: The Movie

Jun 05 at 03:03 AM

It's hard to be in a world where like I was raised we did pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and today were told that it's wrong and as for history in my school we heard about a lot of nonsense lies, you get the picture so now at my age by being introduced to this platform of Jason shurka listening n hearing rays messages to all it really does make more sense for me this platform is family for me as I am only person left. So thank you all for being a part of something so much bigger than us all


May 13 at 01:14 AM

I have no family I've buried all of them the ones that I don't know don't want to meet so I know what it means to be or feel alone

May 11 at 06:26 AM

Well thanks but I makey own decisions n lie detector I don't need you to make my decision I make them on my own...

I believe in Jason shurka

Commented on TRANCE

May 11 at 03:55 AM

Cathy obrien I'm truly speechless with all you have been through... I have never thought to look at life the way you have learned and for me you are my hero I've never said this to anyone but you truly are ... If you have any books that I can buy please let me know I want to learn how to move forward

May 11 at 02:22 AM

It's your opinion but you are being opinionated and greedy that's not greed he works hard to get these out there so for you to throw out something like that Wait till it's free that's fine but don't be calm people greedy because they're doing a job and they're trying to help the rest of us if you don't like it stop watching it


May 10 at 10:29 PM

My boyfriend lost most of his eye sight with 2 feet of peripheral vision he was pronounced dead for 5 to 7 minutes nutes he as I ask what did you see or remember he says nothing cause he believes whatever it was didn't happen

My ❓ is how can he get his eyesight back he lost it because of drinking but he was the only one or anything it was isolated please can someone help I believe in everything that I wanna know I just wish I could get his eyesight back please can anyone help