Lorine Fernandez

Makawao, HI, United States

I live on Maui.I knew the wildfires were part of something bigger.Jason (TLS) interview about it confirmed what I had already sensed


May 29 at 11:31 AM

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Aloha, I was born in Hawaii on live on the island of Maui. Growing up I was always known as Con---- sister, weighed close to 300 lbs., felt that there was something missing and/or things didn’t make sense. I was raised “Catholic” and forced to attend church every Sunday until I got old enough to put up a fight about it eventually leading to freedom from that control. Unfortunately, most people around me were living in the same reality as my parents (and I suppose myself as well) so the environmental influences still made a significant impact on me. Fast forward 50 years later, I am still living on Maui, in the same home I grew up in surrounded by the same family members as the land was owned by my father and his 11 siblings. However, I am NOT the same person who did what others told me I should do, nor do I believe in many of the things I was told/taught growing up and I now am 115 lbs. Instead of 300 lbs. I consider these two things to be the “good news” but there’s still something BIG missing and I can’t quite figure it out. First of all, I suffer from MANY medical conditions which I am certain are a result of being put on a medication for something that didn’t seem too serious but that opened the door for a bunch of other illnesses to creep in. I went from playing sports with my 2 boys just over a year ago to not being able to walk most days. The bright side of all this is I got back into watching shows about UFO’s, conspiracy theories etc. which I was always attracted to but was too busy doing what the typical American family is “supposed” to do: work my ass off to get the house with the white picket fence, dog, kids blah blah blah..... Well, I have the house with that fence, dog, marriage and kids and I’m still miserable as heck with so many limitations due to my medical conditions and while I still fill something is missing my view and belief of this world has changed on levels that even I can’t comprehend. Take for instance the fires that devastated this island. From day one, there was something inside telling me this is not what it is. The sad thing, or perhaps not, is that I found out more about what was taking place during the fires and after from people who were living thousands of miles away via social media. To this day, you cannot turn on your radio without hearing an ad from an attorney about the incident advocating their firm to represent you if you suffered ANY type of loss because of the fires. WTF what is suing anyone going to do the fix the situation. The homes are gone, and many people have died; there’s no fixing that. It’s a bunch of crap! As I mentioned in the beginning, I was born and raised on a tiny Island in the middle of the ocean. I’ve lived a sheltered life for the most part and never thought I could do anything to help people or to make a difference. However, I have learned so much about the world we live in and how every one of us has the power within ourselves to make BIG shifts/changes if we know how to tap into it; I know I can be a vessel to help humanity raise their vibrations. The truth of the matter is that despite all of this, I still feel stuck and it’s frustrating. I’ve learned that when I can let go of the “need to know the why’s, how’s, what’s etc. something will present itself as a solution to the. It’s my hope for this post will help me discover a solution to why or what it is that leaves me feeling there’s something I’m missing. Mahalo from Maui for now.  

P.S. I get some pretty cool pics of strange things living near the satellites on top of the crater. Here's a couple: