
I’m the egg man.

Jul 21 at 07:23 PM

Liberty and free will. Imagine if 1% would listen or take the time to review what the ancients did we would be in such a better place but dogma rules for the mindless that refuse to critically think. We have power to share let’s just use it. Over and out beautiful people.


Commented on 🧚

Jul 21 at 04:18 PM

Love , energy , protection. All amazing stuff!


Jul 21 at 02:28 PM

John mcafee called this in 2020 weird stuff going down during a full moon


Jul 16 at 12:45 AM

Poster child for clown school


Commented on 👁

Jun 28 at 09:28 PM


Commented on Zeitgeist: The Movie

Jun 03 at 07:53 PM

I want to thank the amazing people that put this puzzle together they suffered immensely for the truth. Great stuff!!


Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jun 01 at 12:49 AM

All existing leaders are total clowns left and right.

Commented on post was deleted

May 31 at 07:51 PM

There is always one jabroni that comes in and ruins the party.

Commented on Third Eye Spies

May 31 at 07:39 PM

Great content and info, love this stuff all amazing learning and research to enhance my knowledge.


May 30 at 01:25 PM

Awesome info, as I look into the simplicity of it all it’s mind blowing. Getting this book asap. Enjoy the day people.
