
I’m the egg man.

Sep 07 at 08:57 PM

Shadow people!


Sep 06 at 10:50 PM



Aug 30 at 11:32 AM

Plasmoid technology and hydrogen are out there should be the standard. Electric cars still pulling from the same fossil fuel grid. So hype driven by more hype…..


Aug 28 at 12:11 PM

Wolf/ husky cause I was one in a past life


Aug 26 at 12:10 PM

Beach a chair and some good beats , enjoy the day !


Aug 25 at 06:25 PM

Bob is a good man , too many jabroni’s out there calling him out who are looking to make their own name and always asking for this real evidence . Wake up this stuff isn’t all physical , many spiritual and esoteric aspects. We are not the alpha so just deal with it.

Aug 24 at 09:01 PM

Greater reliance on holistic healing and researching new and ancient methods to support a healthy mind and body.


Aug 24 at 08:59 PM

Human is what I feel in my soul


Healing all the way with all the major health issues we have that is the most inportant by far. Can’t wait for the “master class “ hosted on unifytv on levitation ? 😂🤣

Aug 20 at 01:35 PM

Stop watching tv and start to think critically, don’t let others influence your decision making.
