Christina Kruger

Commented on 👽

Jul 26 at 08:29 PM

Wtf is this



Jul 26 at 06:26 PM

Can someone tell me were I should start o here I don't know wat to watch and I struggle with adhd and ocd please help


Jul 15 at 06:01 PM

I know someone tell me

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Jun 28 at 04:50 AM

Shauna Brake sagittarius are super sensitive I am


Jun 23 at 11:52 PM

I have rh negative blood I think it's that with me maybe

Jun 23 at 11:51 PM

I've seen many things scared to tell people or show I have video I have pictures somethings going on with me sometimes I feel like I'm my room and everything g is shaking like I'm on a train then I look around everything is the same but a Lil different hard to describe I feel like I am being touched or sensations all over me I hear messages threw the tv I feel I'm searching for something I'm not sure wat I write words down and things down before I even know why or wat I am sure I have been abducted and caught it in FIilm


Jun 20 at 12:48 PM

That is me I don't know were to start

Jun 20 at 09:03 AM

Omg thank you so much Jason I luv this platform


Amidien Sharr please explain how u know this is happening to you I feel like sometimes I'm transported other places I loose track of time and days I see demons in the tv shadows everywhere I feel things touching mebi hear there voices I mean am I crazy I hear them under ground I feel the vibration


Jun 15 at 06:25 PM

I'm looking for my people were do I belong all this info I'm searching for every day the strange things going on I'm rh negative blood as well