Debra Dawson

Jul 15 at 10:06 AM

But I do see your point very well. I've often wondered why since the Creator is all powerful then why does He not stop all the terrible things and terrible people doing them? I wish I had a better answer man. But what I do know is that we, as humans, have been given free will. And wow have we totally abused it and fucked things up!

Jul 15 at 10:02 AM

Man was given free will.

Jul 15 at 09:56 AM

Cindy ghysel this is to both, Cindy and Jada. I just love reading both of yours posts and responses to other posts. I completely identify with both of you on most of not ALL of your beliefs and points of view. We are living in some pretty magnificent times. I would so love to be alive here on earth when the age of love is upon us. And who knows....maybe we will be. I can't tell you how much it has meant to be a part of the Unifyd family. To FINALLY find others who are like minded and of kindred Spirit! I'm also extremely thankful that Unifyd has continued to allow me to read and comment on y'all's posts without having an active membership right now. Seriously! I've been fortunate to be able to take advantage of the free two week trials a couple times by using my two email addresses. I'm currently unemployed and unable to work. So my membership is quite spotty right now. But you can bet that when I've got money coming in regularly again, I'll be back in full force. I love all the Unifyd programs and the family I've found here in the written stories and comments. So a BIG THANK YOU YO UNIFYD! And thank you to my newly found Unifyd tribe!!!


Jul 15 at 09:15 AM

You are so correct dude!!! I mean, COME ON!!! There's just NO freaking way that the cops, AND secret service didn't see this bullshit!!! How stupid do they think we are?? UGH!!!


Commented on 👀

Jul 05 at 11:37 AM

Omg my heart is screaming!!!!

Jul 05 at 11:32 AM

Thank you, this completely resonates with things I've been learning lately. I'm 59 and I've always "known" everything was connected, but the other day it just REALLY hit me.... Deb, EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED!!! What a trip this life has been, I'm so very excited to see what's next in my life!!!

Jul 05 at 11:26 AM

When my son was 9-10, he came to me and said "mom I hate these skin suits, I can't wait til we can take them off!" I stood in utter amazement.


Commented on 💫

Jul 05 at 11:20 AM

This is a subject that stays on my mind constantly lately. There's so much more to learn, to experience. I WANT YO LEARN AS MUCH AS I CAN!!!

Commented on 👁

Jul 05 at 11:14 AM

Oh my God!!! This chaps my fucking ass!! Pardon my language, what the hell is wrong with this world!!!!? Heartless, sadistic freaking heathens!!!


Jul 05 at 11:06 AM

Seth, this is amazing information, thank you!!! I'm a firm believer that frequencies are the future of medicine. I started listening to them in 2019, soon after I was able to break away from a 20+yr addiction to opiates. So I personally KNOW the power of them. Two yrs ago I bought my first set of Legacy 2 Qi Coils from David Wong. This is just some amazing stuff to me. Thank you SO much for sharing your knowledge with us.