Temples and Buildings of old Shaped in Cymatics. The ones who are fallen can No long3r vibrate to Manifest with their Bodies. Needing someone on a Cross to Manifest for them. Has nothing to do with someone else Spirit. I am very Grateful even with their Lies my body has held it's Cymatics and is not in a fallen state. Example is a wizard useing a Wand a Medium to Manifest because he can't....🙏 The electricity we have today only has a Short time. You touch 220 it might kill you so I don't recommend. Thank you Everyone.
Commented on Closure: Part Two
Jul 19 at 02:32 PM
One thing that help me break free from the fear of their programming. They are tricking the ones down low as the women have Men spirits and the men are a Women. Hence the Whore of Babylon is a Man who rides a Beast which they perceive as a Women. When I realized that was not my Hollywood World and I broke free of that False Narritve of Mother Earth and Son control. My Manifestation came back and I was free of those Chains which is a mental Prision. Closure we can only be who we are in the Creator. Thank you for your Series...