Nicky de la Motte

Perth, Australia

On an awakening and healing journey.

Sep 18 at 08:15 AM

Master number 11 / 2

Birth date equals 11

Name equals 11


Aug 21 at 02:51 PM

Aquarius and a 2/4 Generator


Aug 12 at 05:41 PM

Javi Martinez

Don't get disheartened.

Just be patient, everything happens in divine time. Have to wait for others to align with their awakening, there is a lot of spirit guides or I like to call them spirit team are working hard in the background.

Patients is the key, they will come.

Try an online group if that is possible?

I am on the otherside of the planet so unable to attend but could attend online group though.


Aug 09 at 07:50 AM

Love this thank you for sharing Benita ❤️

Aug 08 at 10:50 PM

Would be interesting to hear what Ray knows about starseeds, about the different types of starseeds, what they are here to do and what there role is in the human evolution?

Earlier this year I was told by a Grand Master that my soul originated/began in Andromeda, I noticed there is not a lot of knowledge/information about this particular starseed.

Aug 07 at 10:58 PM

I am not near where you are but wanted to say;

What a great idea 💡


Aug 07 at 09:21 PM

Pick what resonates with you, what sparks your interest/s I agree with the others something soothing would be more suitable with OCD.

Wish you all the best on your healing journey ❤️

Commented on 👁

Aug 07 at 09:14 PM

My Grandmother shown up in my dreams a couple of times, first time to pass a message on with my grandfather standing beside her, although I didn't get the message unfortunately as was awoken before I received it.

The second time asked for her help she appeared in my dream that night.

Aug 07 at 09:08 PM

There is a technique called spinal flow developed in Australia by Dr. Carli Axford

I live in Australia too and I am finding spinal flow very effective with my health issues.

Is different for everyone but first session I didn't notice much change but second session was amazing as had a strange experience where I saw in my minds eye vividly of a room with Gold walls and Gold floors I could see the light flickering off the gold walls and floor as if it was by fire light and on the edge of the image in my mind a large doorway and next to the doorway a statue of a black cat with gold trim in a sitting position. When my session ended the practitioner said she physically saw a large white pyramid hovering above me.

Since that experience I have noticed I feel released, strange feeling and liberating at the same time.

My physical body had gone through a release, almost as a cleansing, this is uncomfortable, although I am noticing my health is slowly getting better.

I hope there is a spinal flow practitioner near where you are Cate 🙏

Aug 05 at 07:45 PM

Still working my through all the programs, taking me a while as my partner refuses to watch anything on unifyd and recently got a couple of Jason's books, they are great reads.

Once I work my way through all the programs I will vote then.
