I have found following your intuition is best, I have found for myself that when I tried to follow someone else I struggled. Although when I followed my intuition I had better results.
Basically get comfortable, however that is for you, sit on the floor, chair or laying down.
Focus on your breath, this helps to calm the mind chatter, and if you have mind chatter don't try and stop it at the same time try not to fixate on it either, just let it flow.
To start it might be simpler to just be still and sit or lay in your energy.
After practising this it gets easier, and trains your body/mind, then you can expand/add other techniques to it as you advance.
There are loads of books, videos (youtube), and websites that could/can help if you are seeking something perciffically.
I hope this helps 💛
Commented on Sooooo This Has Just Happened and it’...
Nov 19 at 09:27 PM
I believe this kind of thing is going to happen more and more often as the energies keep shifting higher and higher.
When I first started awakening in February this year, I had a vision that keeps repeating over and over in my head of a bright white light coming out of the Earth, followed by an image of people awakening and stepping forward pass other people.
The feelings I get with the images is the light represent the positive change, transmutting energies and the people stepping forward are the people who are healers, almost like beacons of healing energies. Is hard to explain in words exactly, this is as close as I can describe it.
Thank you for sharing, Faith 💛 🙏
First thing that came to my mind when I saw your video was, could it be a portal?