Jordon Finehout

Tennessee Ridge, TN, United States

original 👑✨ KOL

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Dec 12 at 07:39 PM

Eminem's hands must have m and m on them u figure lol

Oct 19 at 11:08 AM

Sadly it's the truth we can't trust these groups no more to do what they was designed to do for the country and it's citizens.


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Sep 24 at 12:50 AM

Ask Ray what he knows of the Great halls of amenti. I would like to hear his take on this matter at this time diving deep to the core of reality it's within ones self I know this much.just would like his take on this to the people 😉

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Sep 24 at 12:42 AM

No it's just using what your wired to see, and understand things are not what they always seem to be I'm just laying down sticks to stir your curiosity one the subject things will seem some times childish to think but I would encourage u to look into this and get to the root of it all

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Sep 24 at 12:37 AM

I don't think Ray drinks coffee to begin with lol

Sep 15 at 03:56 PM

Exactly right on the button my brother

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Sep 11 at 10:23 AM

Universe loves u if not it wouldn't have created ur being remember that it's all love around us

Sep 11 at 10:21 AM

I still remember this day vividly I was in parade rest during navy JROTC program inspection we hand a commander of the Navy doing these inspections when this happend that morning we was on the football field it was a hazy foggy morning as the sun burned off the clouds and moisture in the air. Then I could just feel the energy difference in this officer he got pissed and excited at the same time. A 🚁 swooped in and picked him up and he said he was going to kick some ass and it happened as well with the bush administration the shock and aww effect of just total destruction with hell fire missile patriot missiles u name it was unleashed on this hole in the side of a MTN. They started shooting $100,000 missiles into caves empty caves for show this was all a cover just to bring our military to the Iraq Middle East and really I think it had to do with more while that was going on soldiers had encounters with red headed giants that were waking up in those tunnels and they had to stop that before they came to people's main attentions but guess what since then had there not been more sightings of UFOs and giants I mean a young man disappeared just bc he caught one accidently on tape. But there is more to this as well if u know what I mean

Sep 11 at 10:11 AM

Its bananas 🍌 to listen to these people it's probably just a salen solution she is getting aomitnlooks like she is taking the jab but these people do everything they can for publisity of the public domain they are what I call polytricksters it doesn't matter what they do and don't do in there term of which ever office they take all they got to do right is convince u with small amountnofntimenthey get during a debate to convince u that they are who they say they are and to put your faith in there basket there agenda is complete once they get into this spot it's all about the vote and what's in the eyes spotlight of the world with promises they cant keep they would lie about everything u see it go down and happen Everytime being let down they pump u back up with this tactic of debating it's a simple argument that create division in this country that makes completion in general but this is the very thing that divides us as a people wrap your mind around this and u will know i speak truth...


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Sep 11 at 10:03 AM

U ever watch the movie 23 with Jim carry that's a fun movie with numbers being involved when it truth ever movie does this if u notice carefully 👁️