Jordon Finehout

Tennessee Ridge, TN, United States

original 👑✨ KOL

Sep 10 at 02:33 PM

We need a republic of the people for the people by the people those up there now are not people those are puppets with strings we need a no strings attached person to be elected by a trusted source maybe with one of every color and creed to be the witnesses all there at once under one roof counting these votes just so its by the people for the people not controlled Internet with algorithms to make happen what they want to happen

Sep 10 at 02:31 PM

The wild life in the ocean does this bc of the military won't name names exactly but go figure. There sonar is to much and driving them crazy they just want out of the water thats horrible to think and know is happening to them in the natural habitat. They don't want to be in there home with all that chaos being thrown around under water with sonar tech bouncing around everywhere only imagine that never being silent to them we got to start thinking about this and much much more to stop this from happening. Wars should be over and done with expecially by now we have seen these happen so much its insane to the why not defenses bc no body is attacking us in this way and they let the border be like a crack in a side walk pointless and to put people there powerless to stop them why even have them there just to be a witness I guess but it's complete ignorance on our so called peers part.

Sep 10 at 02:13 PM

We are living water, fire, earth, and air all living in a temple working in tandem to keep this image going for a choice from above to be made its a trial for this being image to see if it is the one chosen and kept holy

Sep 10 at 02:05 PM

We are messing with divine blueprint with this

Sep 10 at 02:04 PM

Jacob's 🪜 🧬 don't they resemble to u

Sep 10 at 02:03 PM


Sep 10 at 02:03 PM


Sep 10 at 02:02 PM

Some fell for the wrong reasons the fallen they refer to them as, and some fell to balance those that fell but they did it gracefully as possible to balance the chaos they made with creation this was the war put into text showing blueish beings fighting and still to this day it's happening on different levels of reality above

Sep 10 at 01:41 PM

The red hair trait comes from the giants blood line the wild man the Indians were terrified of this bc in nature the red head people was fearless and almost wild bc of their nature

Sep 10 at 01:39 PM

This has a lot to do with the war made falsely in Iraq go look into that they were fighting giants in those caves not ghosts with a tan lol