Jordon Finehout

Tennessee Ridge, TN, United States

original 👑✨ KOL

Sep 09 at 01:22 PM

Which is why the Big bang is either a miracle or doesn't make sense this means they should have canceled each other out leaving nothing at all , but light one and there was light is all u can come up with out of that process

Sep 09 at 01:19 PM

Rock still have vibration lower soul but still there


Sep 09 at 01:03 PM

Purification process


Sep 09 at 12:56 PM



Commented on 🥰

Sep 09 at 01:01 AM

U loved her first


Sep 09 at 12:59 AM



Sep 08 at 11:41 PM

It's staggering to go even around the rim of the rabbit 🕳️ the information will link to so many other things beware this hole has quick sand in it once u step in it ur not gonna get out. It's just never ending it is so much info we are trying to catch up with people that's got at a min of 100 new age yrs and u really will pop when it shows that it's possibly up to thousands of yrs of technology being used by others which I see this possibility but why not at least let some be out but then just like I said above 🕳️...that works both ways so if they let alittle even a drop 🥵 of this info it's so profound that it would lead to more being made facts dragging it all out to fast or to much at once so there is a discretion i get that and u probably do to but thinking can always solve issues when nothing is new under the sun


Sep 08 at 12:32 PM

My first experience learning projection was maybe 3rd grade can't remember exactly age but the summer of that yr. At my home place back then was in South Carolina home of party in the pines .. well there was these three huge pines can't remember which kind they was but for some reason I want to say they was maybe huge old cedar pines that was grouped in a triangle of three they had been there apparently for a good long while since they was big to me then huge lol but I use to climb all around in them as a kid plum to the top of the trees and set and look far out over the fields and my yard and all that well one day I got a notion to set maybe I was upset I can't remember the why or the reason at the time as a kid I was flooded with emotions to heavy for a small child from a rough child hood moving father and mother drama and just the way south carolina was at that time with tension between things i wont speak about. just racial stuff the state was going through a Change that was very strange to me since I had been born in VA and this wasn't a thing from this area. Basically all that was just heavy for a person that feels body language and listens to the earth I was very down to earth and wild as a kid I guess I should say free spirited very young. One day all this bundled up on me all at once and something inside me bc I didn't know what meditation was at this point I remember trying to get it out of my mind and quieting my thoughts I just wanted them to quit flashing in my head messing with my internal feelings this was overwhelming at this age. So right under those three pines I sat closed my eyes I swear it was like something told me exactly what to do all the way down to slowing and listening to my breath as I breathed the next thing I know I'm zoomed in on some kind of flower that was not to far but a little ways from me it was some yellow and white flower but it scared me the first time I did this the feeling was different than any other sense u normally use that was projection at its finest I didn't know that then and didn't tell no one bc I didn't have the words or know how to put in words and still have a hard time explaining ,but I sat under those trees and became so close with nature that I would spend all day in the woods playing letting the forest and nature take my worries and feelings away it works nature will automatically ground u beneath its wing if ever any problems occur take a walk in the woods unknown is even better to see new unknown natural beauty isneverywere and a semse of adventure takes over let it do this for u. U will feel totally at ease after doing this and mind will be clear. Basically at a very young age I realized the earth was a living organism just like anything else but alive at its very best


Sep 08 at 12:12 PM

I innerstand u


Sep 08 at 12:10 PM

It's a never ending 🕳️
