Jordon Finehout

Tennessee Ridge, TN, United States

original 👑✨ KOL

Sep 02 at 04:50 PM

It's the Christo

Sep 02 at 04:50 PM

Jesus was another ascended master showing u the way he even said he goes before u to make a kingdom we will inherit


Sep 02 at 04:49 PM

Now double the coffee what happens

Sep 02 at 03:44 PM

Hello u know what a merkabah is right star of David well that's what the orbs are if u take a ride in one of these astral travelling others will see just a ball or a orb of light the reasons it looks that way is because it's motion has become one kinda like when u watch a fan spin really quickly it blurs into one solid thing that's the same thing


Sep 02 at 03:38 PM

Aquarius is just the time we as a plane are setting into

Sep 02 at 03:37 PM

Good one no your still born in the house your born in

Commented on Zeitgeist: The Movie

Sep 02 at 02:27 PM

If they bomb a place u will feel it here as well in one way or another

Commented on Zeitgeist: The Movie

Sep 02 at 02:26 PM

That's powerful 💪 we are under one roof always remember that

Commented on Zeitgeist: The Movie

Sep 02 at 02:08 PM

More than half of this is blurred out

Commented on Zeitgeist: The Movie

Sep 02 at 02:07 PM

More than half of this is blurred out