
Sydney, Australia

Sep 06 at 06:26 PM



Sep 05 at 07:37 PM

Wishing you a speedy recovery Shannon.🙏😊


Sep 05 at 02:34 PM

There is so much content that it will take me time to weave through it. The variety is excellent, and I would keep it the same, naturally adding as you go. I look forward to gradually viewing the content over time.

What keeps people energised during difficult times is situational awareness (where possible) on world events, how they may impact us and any positive/actual results or projections.

Discussions with “Ray” provides a source that dovetails with other sources that are credible, so that we can support those navigating the awakening, to traverse difficult phases that we have previously encountered, and will likely encounter in the near future. Recommendation: continue with situational awareness content please.

My thanks to the UNIFYD community and the team for their contribution in providing content. 🙏💜


Sep 04 at 09:11 PM

Firstly, transformation of collective consciousness is about unification, the uniting of the divide, uniting of contrast, unification of polarity and to connect as one spiritually, and understanding why dark serves the light and vice versa.

When we connect collectively then we transform, grow and unlock other aspects of ourselves as the unique spark and also as the collective spark, influencing all aspects of life at all levels. This is mentioned because I have always seen things at the macro scale and see the significance of the consciousness growth spurt we’re experiencing.

Having a platform unites the likeminded and affords the opportunity to connect, learn, teach and expand as most here are in resonance with at least some aspects of this group.

This platform provides the mechanism at all levels for us to connect and build our tribe as a collective, which accelerates the frequency change and removes borders/division. We know one of the main strategies of the dark/cabal is to create disconnect and division at all levels as this is a method of control and keeps us at a lower level of consciousness, therefore, this platform alters this.

For me personally, the brand and platform are on target and it’s nice to witness the results and be part of the discussions, sharing and teachings. 🙏

Sep 04 at 08:13 PM

UNIFYD TV thank you 🙏

Sep 03 at 11:23 PM

Playfulness, meditation and courage.

A question? Is the Virgo constellation embedded in between the text?

Sep 02 at 07:18 PM

Have had many experiences with UFOs, paranormal, supernatural and some with cryptids, none of which could be classed as terrifying or even exciting.

The closest physical UFO encounter I’ve had was in the military with multiple witnesses - this was a large orb with extremely bright white-light - but not blinding. The orb hovered for over an hour before disappearing. We did not witness it leave as we went inside before this occurred. Was this a military or other UFO? I really don’t know.

The other experiences were on night time walks with my dog and they were some distance away and up high in the sky. I would occasionally communicate and ask them to change direction, and sometimes they would dissapear/relocate and blink lights. I’d use a satellite tracker to observe the next passing of a satellite. The movement of these craft were certainly not satellites given the geometry they would move and the speed and intelligent communication they displayed.

There has been some lucid dream contact as well with what I would class ‘neutral’ beings (not negative and not positive). There was some intervention there as well.


Sep 02 at 06:44 PM

Cindy ghysel your writing is completely understandable. 😊 Hello form Australia!👋

HD was short for Human Design.

It seems I need to take a look at human design at some stage☺️


Sep 01 at 06:53 PM

Cindy ghysel Humnan design seems to be an accurate model, which I would expect given that it incorporates other accurate models, though I’m not really familiar with it, it’s just based on the small part that I have seen.

It’s interesting that you mention personality as personality typing, astolgology alignment, language, and an individual’s energy system are things that fascinate me in identifying patterns to help others. I would anticipate that HD would provide an other level of accuracy….it’s just a time thing at the moment…with the world being silly and all.

Yesterday I downloaded the app and began looking at it and it seemed quite interesting, so I’ll need to take a closer look at. It may well become another distraction! 😂….which match what it said on the first page “an insatiable curiosity” 😂

Sep 01 at 06:44 PM

Claudia I Yes, this is true, they’re sensitive souls.