
Sydney, Australia

Oct 29 at 02:47 AM

You’re welcome Georgie-Ann, thanks for the feedback. 🙏😊

Oct 21 at 04:36 AM

Sam I’m not too sure. It’s more about the reasons (intent and choices) that got you there, not so much the coma itself per se. I’m not really conversant with the Hebrew context and details, and certainly do not claim to be across it all, though I do share similarities in understanding.

If the soul is reset, then it returns to Source/God as pure energy, however the identity of that entity is stripped or reset.

It is rare, in my understanding, for the demonics (or similar entities) to reach a higher state of consciousness where they wish to progress to a higher density of consciousness. Effectively, the highest they can reach is 5th density (maybe 6th?), but they’re unable to progress beyond this without making other choices that transform from “self-serving” to “service to others”.

They’re the contrast to the light, however they have limitations of evolution along their inorganic (dark) path. These souls can be reset when they continue violating natural laws, not just because there’s judgment on their abhorrent breaches of natural laws, but because their consciousness is deeply embedded in the darkness, that their light/soul energy is cut off from Source.

It’s not so much just a crime that’s performed, it’s the depth and context of those crimes/sins/breaches etc that influences the reset. In other words, the consciousness is representative of the state at which this is self determined as a course of action to be reset….as far as the significance of the acts are concerned.

People want to know all the nuances of the rules, but the rules are governed by natural energetic laws, which are overseen by those placed to protect or shield the different realms and veils. For example, an entity may try to reach the veil of a higher vibrational density, they’re not prevented from entering the density because they can wander around, they’re prevented from entering so they do not destroy themselves by virtue of their resonance.

I’ve digressed a bit, so back to your question, as I have already said, my understanding is that once we “reset”, our divine spark/soul has returned to Source and we no longer have our identity that we knew. However, all is known and recorded.

If I’m ever reset, it doesn’t bother me, because I return to Source, and I’m still part of Source. Also, if I evolve into the higher social consciousness complex, say at 7th Density or beyond, the outcome is similar to that of reintegrating with Source as a reset (there’s more to it, but just trying to illustrate the point that most people fear). So, reset is just a process. If our ego is in fear of losing our identity, then we should ask ourselves more questions as to what the basis of that fear is.

Oct 18 at 05:29 PM

I believe it’s definitely possible and records/photos show there is evidence of this throughout the world.

This is one of the reasons they’re killing off those that hold the purity of blood and genetics in Nepal, as they’re too pure in spirit and hold the knowledge and wisdom with connection to Gaia and Source.

Oct 15 at 09:49 PM



Oct 15 at 09:24 PM

Resource & Documentary Links

Please note that these links and docos have not been vetted by me, although I have most likely watched many of them over the past four years through other channels.

***WARNING*** Discretion MUST be used, as there is most likely unpleasant/sensitive content and themes contained within many of these links.

If you feel compelled to view the content, please know there are people here that have been down the rabbit hole and you can reach out. Do not underestimate the severity of some of the themes and footage, as it may be disturbing!

This is an apolitical post to provide information for those seeking it.


MUST WATCH: THE CRUCIBLE OF DONALD TRUMP (2024) ▪️ BADLANDS MEDIA 🔥: https://rumble.com/v5fux19--the-crucible-of-donald-trump-badlands-media-.html
⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ Out of Shadows ▪️ Full Documentary on MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, & Creepy Hollywood 🐇 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3rxv2q--out-of-shadows-full-doc-on-mk-ultra-satanic-hollywood-and-operation-mockin.html
⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Cultural Decay: NWO 5th Generation Warfare (2023)▪️ WWIII Explained 👀: https://rumble.com/v3w06yw--cultural-decay-5th-generation-warfare-and-the-nwo-supervillain-scholars-20.html
⚫️💥 911: Nine Eleven in 20 (2019)▪️ 9/11 Documentary ▪️ Hibbeler ▪️ Banned from Youtube ✈️ 💣 👀: https://rumble.com/v43tuak--911-nine-eleven-2019-911-documentary-hibbeler-productions-censored-on-yout.html
⚫️🔺The BLM PsyOp: The Soros & George Floyd Conspiracy Video ▪️ All connected to the Covid PLANdemic PsyOp 👀: https://rumble.com/v3r40ki-the-george-floyd-soros-and-blm-conspiracy-video-all-connected-to-the-covid-.html
⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ JFK TO 911: EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN'S TRICK❗️💰 🎩 🐇🔥: https://rumble.com/v3r1wek--jfk-to-911-everything-is-a-rich-mans-trick-full-documentary-.html
⚫️⚜️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ FALL OF THE CABAL 1 ⚔️▪️ ALL PARTS 1-10 ▪️ 3-HR FULL 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3plhe2--fall-of-the-cabal-all-parts-1-10-3-hr-full-documentary-by-janet-ossebaard-.html
⚫️⚜️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Fall of the Cabal 2: The Sequel ▪️ Satanic History of Earth ▪️ All Parts, 12-Hours 👹 👀: https://rumble.com/v3rqp83--fall-of-the-cabal-2-the-sequel-satanic-history-of-earth-all-parts-12-hours.html
⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH: ‘The Secret Empire’ here 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3piurf-the-secret-empire-1.5-hour-full-documentary-satanic-hollywood-and-corruptio.html
⚫️🔺MK Ultra Exposed: Unveiling CIA's Mind Control Secrets 👀 https://rumble.com/v51txzs-mk-ultra-exposed-unveiling-cias-mind-control-secrets-.html
⚫️🔺 Must Watch ‘Santanic Hollywood Open Secret’: https://rumble.com/v3qmwu0--satanic-hollywood-an-open-secret-the-secret-hollywood-doesnt-want-you-to-k.html
⚫️🔺 Must Watch ‘Enter The Pizzagate’ doc here: https://rumble.com/v3wmmxt--enter-the-pizzagate-expose-the-worlds-multi-billion-dollar-child-sex-traff.html
✔️ Link to Watch & Share: https://rumble.com/v4e08vz-mk-ultra-background-and-history-mr.-truthbomb-.html
⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ BIDEN CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING NETWORK EXPOSED❗️▪️ DHS WHISTLEBLOWER INTERVIEW🔥: https://rumble.com/v429pk1-biden-child-sex-trafficking-network-exposeddhs-whistleblower-interview.html
⚫️🐍 The Secrets about Reptilians: Truth or Fiction❓▪️ 1994 Alex Collier: https://rumble.com/v5ca5l9--the-secrets-about-reptilians-truth-or-fiction-1994-alex-collier.html
🌌🐍 MORE ON REPTILIANS IN THIS DOC: Elon Marx The Spot ▪️ Ep1: Maye Musk 🦋: https://rumble.com/v534q5f--elon-marx-the-spot-ep1-maye-musk-.html
⚫️🇺🇸 BOMBSHELL❗️ Secret Service Cover-Up of Trump Assassination Attempt❗️: https://rumble.com/v59ms2q--must-watch-bombshell-trump-assassination-proof-secret-service-head-commits.html
⚫️🇺🇸 MUST WATCH: Time Of Deceit (2024) ▪️ New, Full Documentary 🔥: https://rumble.com/v51m0mo-time-of-deceit-2024-full-documentary-.html
⚫️🇺🇸 MUST WATCH: A Thousand Pieces (2020) ▪️ Exposing CIA FBI top-down Corruption 🔥▪️ Banned off Youtube 👀: https://rumble.com/v55uc2d--a-thousand-pieces-exposing-cia-fbi-top-down-corruption-.html
⚫️🇺🇸 Third Eye Spies (2019) ▪️ CIA Psychic Program, Declassified Docs, ESP, Spy Secrets \[CC enabled\]: https://rumble.com/v59h8qp--third-eye-spies-2019cia-psychic-program-declassified-docs-esp-spy-secrets-.html
⚫️🔺🇺🇸 TRUTH ABOUT MK ULTRA, MK NAOMI ▪️ Full Documentary▪️ Trust Naomi, Trust Ultra: https://rumble.com/v3twn7i--the-truth-about-mk-ultra-mk-naomi-operation-mockingbird-full-documentary-.html
⚫️🔺👁TV MK-ULTRA PROOF: SUBLIMINAL 'OBEY GOVERNMENT' BRAINWASH❓ 👀▪️ 1960s-1980s CIA MOCKINGBIRD TV SIGN-OFF 📺 🐑: 🔗https://rumble.com/v47x3u6-obey-government-tv-mk-ultra-subliminal-msging-in-1960s-1980s-sign-off.html
⚫️🔺 Watch "Hollywood Exposed" here: https://rumble.com/v4qtp9t--hollywood-exposed-the-banned-documentary.html
⚫️🔺 THIS IS WHAT MIND CONTROL LOOKS LIKE. ▪️ THIS IS OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD 🐦 : https://rumble.com/v3qps1n--this-is-what-mind-control-looks-like.-this-is-operation-mockingbird-.html
⚫️🔺 CIA Operation Mockingbird Media ▪️ 6-min Report ▪️How long have we been manipulated⁉️🐦 👀 https://rumble.com/v4gn9uu--cia-operation-mockingbird-media-6-min-report-.html
⚫️🔺 👹📎 CIA: OPERATION PAPERCLIP ▪️ MK ULTRA, WALT DISNEY, & SATANIC HOLLYWOOD👁: https://rumble.com/v470y3f--cia-operation-paperclip-mk-ultra-walt-disney-and-satanic-hollywood-.html
⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ Sandy Hook, Line & Sinker ▪️ A Nefarious Narrative❓: https://rumble.com/v5d5io5--sandy-hook-psyop-hook-line-and-sinker-a-nefarious-narrative.html
⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 1 here: https://rumble.com/v40hldr-pedogate-2020-pt.-1-democrat-party-child-sex-ring-pizzagate-by-mouthy-buddh.html
⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 2 here: https://rumble.com/v458am0-pedogate-2020-pt.-2-pedo-tom-hanks-and-epstein-island-pizzagate-by-mouthy-b.html
⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 3 here: https://rumble.com/v40hs4e-pedogate-2020-pt.-3-pizzagate-2.0-and-symbolism-by-mouthy-buddha-.html
☑️ Satanic NWO / WEF / UN Agenda 2030 docs (free on Telegram - zero censorship there): https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/79684
☑️ Examples of Satanism in US Government & Hollywood here (free on Telegram - zero censorship there): https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/81289
🔴🔷🇺🇸 J6: A True Timeline (2024) ▪️ Expose the J6 PsyOp 📣: Share: https://rumble.com/v48f5q8--j6-a-true-timeline-the-true-timeline-of-january-6th-expose-the-j6-psyop-.html
🔴🇺🇸 TRUMP: DRAINING THE SWAMP (2020) ▪️ FULL DOC: https://rumble.com/v40xx2m--draining-the-swamp-worldwide-the-great-awakening-2020-documentary.html
🔴🇺🇸 TRUMP @ WAR (2022) ⚔️ (BY STEPHEN BANNON)🔥: 🔗https://rumble.com/v3pkr1r--trump-at-war-full-documentary-1-hr-16-min-by-stephen-bannon.html
✅ 🏙❄️ MUST WATCH: The Secret Of Water (2015) ▪️ Discover The Language of Life💧: https://rumble.com/v50oxvl--the-secret-of-water-2015-discover-the-language-of-life-.html
✅ 🎆⚜️ Old World Order (2024) ▪️ Lost History of Earth❓ https://rumble.com/v4yutec--old-world-order-2024-lost-history-of-earth.html
✅⚔️🔺MUST WATCH: WW3 Biblical Prophecy Documentary (Obama, Vatican, Rothschild): https://rumble.com/v430rhq--satanism-history-and-world-war-3-bible-prophecy-documentary-2022-.html
✅🔺Unmasking History: The Illuminati & New World Order's 6000-Year History 🔱: https://rumble.com/v4ymbac-unmasking-history-the-illuminati-and-new-world-orders-6000-year-history-.html
✅ Must Watch: Ewaranon's 'Lost History of Earth' here (its awesome❗️): https://rumble.com/v3plf6h--what-on-earth-happened-by-ewaranon-lost-history-of-earth-.html
✅ Next, must watch Ewaranon's "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED❓"🔥: https://rumble.com/v3plgpi--lost-history-of-earth-by-ewaranon-free-energy-frequency-vibration-.html
✅ 'Lost History of Earth Hub' free on the Telegram App here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/77500
✅ Must Watch ‘Pizzagate’ doc here: https://rumble.com/v3wmmxt--enter-the-pizzagate-expose-the-worlds-multi-billion-dollar-child-sex-traff.html
✅ Must Watch ‘Santanic Hollywood Open Secret’: https://rumble.com/v3qmwu0--satanic-hollywood-an-open-secret-the-secret-hollywood-doesnt-want-you-to-k.html
✅ Watch Pedogate Pt 1 here: https://rumble.com/v40hldr-pedogate-2020-pt.-1-democrat-party-child-sex-ring-pizzagate-by-mouthy-buddh.html
✅ Watch Pedogate Pt 2 here: https://rumble.com/v458am0-pedogate-2020-pt.-2-pedo-tom-hanks-and-epstein-island-pizzagate-by-mouthy-b.html
✅ Watch Pedogate Pt 3 here: https://rumble.com/v40hs4e-pedogate-2020-pt.-3-pizzagate-2.0-and-symbolism-by-mouthy-buddha-.html
✅ Mouthy Buddha’s Pedogate 2020: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/65023
✅ Kappy vs. The Shadows Revisited: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/62242
✅ Clinton Child Trafficking Exposed: https://rumble.com/v4710sc-the-clintons-child-sex-trafficking-exposed-clinton-foundation-in-haiti-.html
✅ Pizzagate US Gov’t Child Trafficking docs🍕 (free on Telegram App -least-censored, whereas FB & IG censoring & shadow-banning truth❗️): t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/77098
✅ Why you must hate Donald Trump (2022) (Connecting the Dots)🔥: https://rumble.com/v45ivi6--this-is-why-you-must-hate-donald-trump-7-mins-.html

🍕FBI: Pizzagate is Real 👀🔗https://www.currentrevolt.com/p/fbi-confirms-pizzagate-in-college
🍕FBI Confirms Pizzagate Elite Pedophile Ring🔗 https://realrawnews.info/fbi-confirms-pizzagate-elite-pedophile-ring-exposed-in-ongoing-investigation/6214/
🍕FBI Arrests Connected To Pedophile Ring #PIZZAGATE🔗https://www.planet-today.com/2023/11/fbi-begins-arresting-journalists.html

✅ MK Ultra Hub on Telegram: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/78802
✅ Find more Truth-based Content at my Telegram Channel - beefy Awakening playlist free here on Telegram: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/72749
✅ Must Watch ‘Covid & Pharma Corruption’ docs on Telegram here💊 : https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/78976
✅ Rockefeller Pharma Biz 🟰 💵 https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/79844
✅ Why you must hate Donald Trump (2022) (Connecting the Dots)🔥: https://rumble.com/v45ivi6--this-is-why-you-must-hate-donald-trump-7-mins-.html
✅ Trump Truth Hub here (free on Telegram App which is least-censored, whereas FB & IG censoring & shadow-banning truth❗️):
✅ Find more Truth-based Content at my Telegram Channel - Telegram App is least-censored & free - you can begin by checking out my beefy Awakening playlist here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/72749
✅ Follow my Rumble Channel here: https://rumble.com/c/FollowsTheWhiteRabbit
✅ Follow my new Twitter—X Account, here: https://twitter.com/realWhiteRa66it


Oct 15 at 01:57 AM

This is the shortened animated version (Note: I have not watched this): https://youtu.be/ztMPnIWstIw?si=e7yBJPXtJOYRu21s


Oct 15 at 01:54 AM

For those that resonate with Lee Harris, you may enjoy the October energy update.

Without going in to all of the themes, one of the items he discusses is that it is okay to wait and/or move forward, and that some people just need calm/peace. As this has been mentioned in the chats a number of times, I thought it may be worthwhile posting. 😊



Replied on post was deleted

Oct 13 at 07:21 PM

Michelle Perry I’m not sure if this post was supposed to be in the main thread if you’d like to copy it and post it there for people to see, as they most likely won’t see it here under my post.

In answer to a couple of your questions, firstly, I will say that astrology is not an area that I have studied, though I believe it to be accurate. My interest is more confined to energy, and how that energy translates to astrology, which is part of your questioning.

Depending on what lessons we choose to undertake, will determine the astrological path we may select for that lifetime. This means that we could be a different sign or even repeat a sign, as designed for our learning pathway. I’ll use a crude analogy here. If we use different chemicals combinations to create a chemical reaction; the type, amount, purity, timing, process etc of those chemicals will provide a specific result. In other words, astrological signs are “part” of the equation when it comes to planning our life path and goals for that particular lifetime and are metaphorically part of the chemical equation. Obviously free will plays a factor as well, as do other factors that form part of the life’s planning equation. An example may be that we only incarnate with a small amount of our soul energy/intesnity, and we take the encounter illness, thereby limiting the way we live and offfering us the opportunity to learn/ experience particular things.

As far as resonance is concerned, I don’t think the astrological sign solely dictates alignment or resonance, though it could, as there are so many factors that are at play with each individual, and this depends where they’re at in their soul frequency/evolution.

I’m sorry that I haven’t responded to all of your question as I think there are others here that have expertise in this area. ☺️


Oct 13 at 06:52 PM

Subject: Hurracaine donations

Hey Everyone, I haven’t been on here much lately, so I do not know if there have been any posts for donations to those impacted by the hurracaines, please accept my apologies in advance - if this post has been duplicated.

For those aware of the exploitation of donations to charities operating under credible banners, it can create hesitation to donate to causes where the funds are often misdirected, or not utilised to their full intent. For this reason, I have completed some research and fortunately a reputable channel that I follow, one that I believe has complete integrity, has recommended the site below to donate to. If you are interested you can read about their charity by clicking on the link before donating.

As I live in Australia, there doesn’t appear to be any limitations from overseas donations, or methods of pay options. The process was very straight forward for me as I used Apple Pay as the payment method. You are also offered the choice to “customise” the amount you wish to pay from the two quick-select options. This means if you wish to donate $5 or $10 for example, then in theory you should be able to type in this amount.

I hope this may be of some benefit to anyone that has been cautious with their donations. Thanks 🙏


Oct 05 at 06:51 PM

I thought so too Tracy. 😊🙏