
Oct 20 at 07:35 PM

So does this mean, if we go to that place its because being in a coma destroyed our consciousness and we return to the source and then at some point we will have consciousness again? I just want to know if we went into a coma if it's possible to still live on after that?


Oct 19 at 04:24 PM

I have an important question. If an individual dies of an overdose. Completely dead for 40 minutes, resuscitated after at least 40 minutes of being without a heartbeat but is declared brain dead and in a coma and then dies where would they go? That's what happened to my brother in April.

Oct 19 at 10:18 AM

My brother passed away in April from a drug overdose. He was dead, they resuscitated him, it took 40 minutes for them to bring him back and by that time it was too late. He was in a coma and declared brain dead 3 days later. So now he's erased from existence. Just when I was coming to peace with it now I am traumatized knowing he's erased from existence.
