ying zhang

Aug 06 at 11:41 PM

God is always here the energy he talking n not the God . He is bigger than energy n yes there is no beginning lol God is he is I am

Aug 06 at 11:35 PM

He always refer back to scripture

It means scripture Bible is the truth .

Everything else that’s the false preaching

Aug 06 at 11:26 PM

He seem very rude of course

Aug 06 at 11:20 PM

This guy curse a lot definitely not a righteous person . He has anger issue

Jul 30 at 08:56 PM

Ray dude we got rocket lol we are able to know we live in earth

Jul 30 at 08:44 PM

Jesus was fully man and fully God

See how smart he is to brush Off Jesus is just a human . No he is not . I can not say God and I are one but Jesus said God and I are one .

Jul 30 at 08:33 PM

Grover Burnett if you kill some one you be arrested n throw in jail by law . Is that a manipulation? Is it something just to scare you ? Something is facts has no emotion behind it .

If you speed you get a ticket is that good or bad or manipulation?

Jul 30 at 08:30 PM

Grover Burnett is there an alternative way to see world I And II? No cause it’s facts

It’s not an art for interpretation. History is facts n events that happened there is no alternative way to look at it . What’s alternative way to see Russian war now ? Hmm cause they want to party ? Because the president is secretly an alien ? History is not an art interpretation

Jul 30 at 08:27 PM

Nora Earl this is exactly why this all a demonic videos - manipulation from the Satan

They say half of the truth then adding their own things . Ray is no one rather than a worker of the devil . Devil knows Jesus is coming soon . Remember ladies n gentlemen God words do not change . Bible is the only source of truth from God . Jesus is God. Devil want to confuse you to make you his follower . He is the king of confusion . Of course he gonna say God is real what’s better way to trick ppl to tell you 70% truth add 30% lie ? If I am a devil worker I will tell you now all your past what problems you had who broke your heart but I will tell you lies what is going to happen so you will follow me

That’s exactly what they are doing now because Jesus is coming soon

Jul 30 at 08:22 PM

I can tell you why now because this is the best time to brain wash ppl believe aliens n other stuff than the Jesus Christ because he is about to be here in few more years