Grover Burnett

Apr 11 at 01:47 AM

The audio is on YouTube for free, or you can order the physical book from Amazon

Apr 11 at 01:35 AM

Read Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls... It explains that we don't reincarnate with all of our energy and we always leave part of our higher self on the other side. Besides, time is an Earthly construct, and isn't the same in that plane of existence

Apr 11 at 01:24 AM

Lisa Gray read Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls

Apr 10 at 02:03 AM

Keith Hicks why are you on here just to be negative? Does it upset you that much that there may be an alternative way to look at things that doesn't align to what you were taught? We both know this world is corrupt and uses division to control us to prevent us from being as powerful as we can be if we were to indeed come together as one unified collective. Religion, politics, race, gender, sexual preference, etc all divide us and keep us separated, which is what the powers that be want. Everyone that doesn't believe exactly as you do isn't necessarily wrong.

Example in point, I don't believe in Lucifer, or the devil, or what any other religion calls him. That's just another form of manipulation to scare you into doing what they want you to do. What if I told you the real Lucifer is your ego and it's within us all, but that'd be blasphemy to you. Try to learn new things and realize that everything we're taught isn't 100% correct and tolerance of other beliefs and love should trump all

Apr 10 at 01:46 AM

Shawn Brennan I think everyone is taking what Ray said out of context. What the Bible says and what Yeshua said aren't exactly the same. A lot has been lost in translation from the original form and a lot has been manipulated by the powers that be. We are all "children of God" and the source's energy is in all of us. Yes Yeshua was spiritually gifted and most likely a more advanced soul, but there's a lot about his lost years, from the age of 12 to 30, that the Bible doesn't touch on. Supposedly he went to multiple places and learned different forms of spirituality that he taught when he returned home, which includes the fact that the source energy, or God, is within us all. Which is basically what he said that gets misconstrued till this day. I'm pretty sure he wasn't saying that he was God or was a divine form of God, he was saying that God was within him, just like he is within us all.

A lot of what has been taught to us was purposely misleading, whether for separation or control