
Cairns, Australia

Aug 22 at 08:21 AM

Yes!! 💖 Sharing is caring!! 💝

I did a podcast course last year, great way of getting messages out there and we do grow when we get feedback, (any feedback).. 🚀 Please let us know when you’ve got some to share!! 🙏🏽

Aug 22 at 08:14 AM

Derrick Graham thank you so much for your words and support.. 💖

Today wasn’t the best day.. I feel I fall onto Facebook for connection as I have access to people I know and whatever I post I know its being seen… Here it’s a completely different world.. Most people must be from USA too? Have you got any idea how big is this community? I mean, how many?

Commented on Cancel

Aug 22 at 04:51 AM

Please let us know how you go.. I paid for a whole year and I regret it., I’m giving it a go but it seems like people are not responsive, no interactions, just a small selection of Jason TV for a lot more $ than GAIA.. I’m really giving it a go because I thought I’d find like minded but no one interacts.. 😢

Aug 19 at 07:08 PM



Aug 19 at 08:14 AM

Yes! A Jamaican friend was telling me this! No “good morning” (mourning)… Good day! No week days.. weak daze, “weekend” weak end.. And so on.. Very interesting, very good to know and change!! 💖


Aug 19 at 12:10 AM

Cool! I’m in Australia… 💃🏻

Aug 19 at 12:08 AM

This sounds amazing! Non for profit organisations!!! Great idea! I hope you hear back! And I feel like inquiring myself too.. It would be great to get a few local people together to do this.. 💖


Aug 19 at 12:06 AM

I just purchased 10 sessions worth 1k in Australia.. It’s not really affordable yet.. I’d like to buy a system but the health “business” is not my thing… A non for profit organisation sounds amazing.. Hopefully more of them pop up! ⭐️🤞🏽💖

Aug 18 at 11:25 PM

Wait, what? Is that The Dalai Lama in the picture??? 😳

Aug 18 at 05:46 PM

Russel Brandt? Jim Carey? David Icke! Woody Harrelson!

I just googled David Icke for the spelling and his kids came up.. One of them is a film make.. Anyone familiar?
