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Sep 05 at 11:09 AM

Aquarius Pisces (Cusper) ♓ ♒


Sep 05 at 11:07 AM

I love this so very much. Is it possible that I could share this post

Commented on 🥰

Sep 05 at 11:05 AM

Balanced Consciousness United


Aug 19 at 05:38 PM

Pisces ♓


Aug 18 at 02:34 PM

I went to the website yesterday. Plan us to open a not for profit recovery focused safe house for survivors of human trafficking and and get the EE system in there to help the clients with their healing journey. I haven't heard back yet tho

Some of these abilities on this list I already have. So I'll choose one of the abilities that I don't have. Being able to communicate with anumals has been something I would daydream about. That's would definitely be the "supernatural " ability id add to the ones I alr ady have. 🙃😏😉


Aug 17 at 10:43 AM

How do I contact Emily Graves?

Aug 17 at 10:25 AM

That being said I'm in the process of exploring, researching as well as adding my lived experience to make the best decision in where I see myself fitting into the Non-profit sector of this movement. Being that I have certain gifts, blessings and knowledge given to me by a higher power of some sort I leaning towards opening a nonprofit focused on Safety first along with Healing others pain, physical pain, spiritual pain as well as healing hearts (pain in our soul) I do this for myself as well as other and have been all my life. I would like more information on the EE system and how I could integrate it into the Non-profit I have in my mind of opening in the near future.

I can be more specific when I speak to someone directly.

All the best,

Be Good Always


Aug 17 at 10:16 AM

I have never heard of this but it makes a lot of sense to how it works. I'm not going to include details here by I am a survivor, more so proud to be part of The Survivor's Leadership Movement.