Cindy Solomon

Las Vegas, NV, United States

From Lahaina, Maui. Starting a New Life in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Sep 13 at 03:46 PM

2023 Lahaina , Maui Fire!  42 years of my life burned to the ground!


Sep 13 at 02:18 AM

Thank you for your nice message!

I went to a dozen different Doctors and each one diagnosed me with something different and loaded me up with Pills! They all admitted not knowing how they were going to affect me. Yet they kept prescribing more and more.  It was a learning experience!  

Trusting in myself to recognize my truth and how to handle it, was my blessed result!

Sep 12 at 11:45 PM

Ray talked about Rocks!  My Passion!  From a gemology perspective... Rocks/Crystals grow over billions of years and are very much living and communicating with us.  They are the bones of the earth.  Crystals and Diamonds are used for lots of tech and healing purposes for millenia.  Elements meet, blend, bond and grow into different gemstones and rocks. Yes the Stones are Alive!


Sep 12 at 11:39 PM

GOD is Everything!


Sep 12 at 04:28 PM

This is what was prescribed to me in a year when I started talking to DOCTORS about the multiple dimensional experiences I was having!
I tried it! I gained 70 lbs and almost died from these medications!!! I learned fast I am not the crazy one!!!Free from all Drugs for 6 years now! Had to Fast and go Vegan… Back to normal and no illnesses to Report. Be careful who you share your Pearls of Wisdom with!!!
I went to a dozen different Doctors and each one had a different diagnosis. They could not tell me what these medications would do for me, I was told each person is affected differently and I had to try them to see if they worked.
They did not work! Only caused more health problems.
I had to learn to trust myself and what I was experiencing and learn how to handle it on my own naturally without interference. There are no Magic Pills!!!


Sep 12 at 01:21 AM

Is it possible if someone you love were to end their life on purpose due to grief and suffering to go and rescue them ?

I almost lost a loved one this way..,

My only thought/comment was, “if you go , I am coming after you “.

It was clear, I was serious and my loved one heard me and we are still here today.

Can Great Love for someone save them from the darkness like I intended to?

Like in “What Dreams May Come” ?


Sep 11 at 11:14 PM

Chris Burnside wow!

Thank you for such a nice message! I could imagine myself in Edinburgh drinking hot cocoa in a book shop planning my next adventure while a snow storm brews outside. lol

I know I would love it!

I am definitely interested in all the Stones. Gemology is my passion and has been my career for decades.

I Love the Rocks! I hear them talking to me like old familiar friends.

Winter is on the way! I am sure it will be very exciting in Scotland!!!

Warm wishes,



Sep 11 at 10:57 PM

I wonder if Robin Williams committing suicide in real life was an attempt to save some one else he loved like in the Movie “What Dreams May Come”

I loved that movie!

Sep 11 at 06:06 PM

It does not include medical induced coma, watch Monday night replays.

Q and A


Sep 11 at 03:22 PM

I would like to ask what happens in the land of darkness … what does horrific mean?  What happens to people who torture, abuse and kill children and animals who are entirely unable to defend themselves?

Thank you,
