Chris Burnside

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Life-long learner & truth seeker looking to change the world. QHHT practitioner (past life regression) which has been life-changing ✨🧚✨

Sep 11 at 03:55 AM

Cindy Solomon Aloha Cindy - how lovely to receive your message! I am so lucky to live in Edinburgh. You are lucky to live in Maui. I have Hawaii on my radar for sure. You must let me know if you do visit Scotland. There is so much to see, in Edinburgh and in the Highlands, especially the north west of Scotland. The scenery is mind-blowing.  You should definitely look into QHHT. I have found it to be life-changing for me and for my clients. Dolores Cannon is amazing as is Brian Weiss. It is so easy to go down a rabbit hole of knowledge isn't it? 

Scotland has a lot of very special spiritual places so I guess it is like Maui in that respect. But in Scotland it is old stones,(Callanish) ley lines (everywhere!) and old cathedrals (Rosslyn) and special forests, especially in autumn (fall).

I actually like the Scottish weather. I love the mix. We do have sun, but a lot of fog and rain which is very atmospheric.

Hope to welcome you to Scotland one day. 

Have a beautiful day. Chris xx

Sep 06 at 06:07 AM

Edinburgh Scotland 🩵