We are creators, from Source Creator Energy, regardless of if we procreate or not. Spiritual practice is different than religious ideology. And Women and Men were not created like that. It's in the tablets of Creation, how it was done. "Symbolically ", it is like Siamese twins, because of the yin yang symbol, representative of male and female energy. The joining of light and dark. Is TLS or Ray with Cabal? Sorry to ask Jason, but some of what he says is right and some not.
Coach Amanda Starseedweedpuller Payne
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Feb 08 at 05:58 PM
"Amen comes from Amun Ra, when he had his turn at running things, he was such an arrogant, evil, power hungry guy, he mandated that everyone give all power, glory, and praise ,energies to him. When you read the Bible you can tell you are dealing with two people masquerading as the one true GOD, both from the same family... Enlil, who was iron fisted and ruthless, but then dealing with another who was worse, his Nephew Amun Ra, who they tried to lock up and kill because he was so terrible, but he found out, was let out, and fled the planet. They bothe condoned slavery, war, rape,spoils of war,but one killed way more than the other. In spiritual awakening ,I teach people to end their intentions or prayers, mantras with "so be it or it is done", instead of "Amen".