Coach Amanda Starseedweedpuller Payne

Sep 04 at 03:09 PM

The Taygetans on Cosmic Agency and then also Captain Randy Cramer on "Cosmic Disclosure", on Gaia, talks about med beds and advance repair and health technologies that already exist on other planets. I will say this, Dr, Rose Michael's did not invent these med beds. She may have channeled and recieved the idea to bring them to humanity, many of us had the idea for them 40 years ago or more. She just got it done, I think. Kind of like Tesla, rediscovering free energy, the Djedi Pillar aka Tesla coil, etc. From what I understand...the med beds here are a very watered down version of the first ones not accessible to us all. And that insurances will be covering the watered down versions. I'm foe us having med beds and the tech, but not the way the powers that were, go about it.

Sep 04 at 02:22 PM

Some of us, people like me and a few people I know, don't have anything to lose and we are wanting to help, more. Making these "secretive trainings" made available to us...Energy coaches Shaman, and Soul Realignment Practicioners, can do the work faster and quicker around the world, if we had the same training, Djedi training, as the TLS recruits. Opening clairs, having a high soul vibration, etc is mandatory then some of us qualify to help. Don't be stingy. I know to make it seem more secretive attra to people and is good marketing and all...but come off it already. We are here and ready now to receive and take action. I know this much, people's wills and abilities to create and maintain change, happens when you give them the tools to do it. Not just the directions for the misplaced tools.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Sep 04 at 11:45 AM

Billy Carson's books also tell the codes of the Pyramids and Bibles, from Thoth. I wonder if they are same?

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Sep 04 at 10:27 AM

I know where it starts, and if you also want to know.. go read a 150 page book called, "The Terra Papers" by Chief Robert Morning Sky, he talks about it all from "Bek-Ti's" account.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 6

Sep 04 at 09:14 AM

Jessie marosemartinez we gotta remember, he said in another is based on your energy and vibration is how they choose tls members


Replied on DISCLOSURE 6

Sep 04 at 09:12 AM

Jessie marosemartinez Exactly with ya! But if anybody wants to join, they gotta stand out with their energy and vibration. Gotta at least have a Soul vibration of 5.8 and up. But it looks like they only pick ppl affiliated with New York🤷‍♀️?


Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Sep 04 at 09:05 AM

I am grateful for the interviews here. I do work daily in Akashic Records and as a Soul Realignment Practicioner and Metaphysical Life Coach. Just a side note, I find it interesting that people mostly reference Hitler as killing millions, when the Pope and the Catholic Church is responsible for killing many many more than Hilter and his Army ever did. People still have choices, each person that carried out the orders, is just as responsible as the person giving them. From a Soul level, we have choices and we make them individually. Karma for killing someone in any lifetime stays with the soul and epigentically in the body. It must be cleared. Which is some of the work I complete. Anyways, I think we forget those things. For me, I would NEVER sign up for a certain job if I knew it was about killing. That would make me personally responsible, not the "boss". And just noticing how we perceive blame as collective anyways, not just one person.

On the question above, I predict things often. Many things, you can feel it first ,think it, and then it manifests. I think it is a collective effort, a force that is at work. We all have the abilities, we just have to open our clairs and practice.

TLS, Holla.
