Jada C.

Greater Sudbury, Canada

Oct 12 at 03:57 PM

My birthday is 12/14! 😺❤️

Oct 12 at 03:56 PM

💯 ❤️ Thanks Derrick! See you soon 💗


Oct 12 at 03:50 PM

Derrick Graham we are all here for you derrick! ❤️ We are getting together in about an hour so if you feel comfortable to drop your email so Crystal can add you to the list for tonights meeting!🩷😊

See you there I hope! 😺


Oct 12 at 02:44 PM

Ashley Hileman 💯 ❤️


Oct 11 at 09:30 PM

Steven gill great idea. We need to start sending that energy out. I don't think we really realize how powerful we really are! ❤️

Oct 11 at 09:28 PM

Thank you everyone! The first meeting was amazing! It was nice to put the faces to the names and hear all the sharing. It was a great experience! ☺️ So nice getting to learn things about everyone and hear different experiences, also from different parts of the world. We all come from different walks of life, we are so different but also the same. We are all in this world living this timeline together guys. I can't wait for the next one for anyone that missed it and wants to be a part of it, there's another one tomorrow just drop your email in this thread. There will also be another one next Friday over zoom, Crystal will send all the the info! Thank you to everyone that was there, I feel so good right now. Just big thanks to everyone that responded to this post and replied, and hearted. Just all the Unifyd fam!! I don't feel so isolated and alone right now in all my stuff, it's nice to talk to people who get it and don't judge you for what your saying 😊. Love to all of you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Also, it was cool that someone shared we are the next wave of people helping with the awakening! Great stuff 🥰

Oct 11 at 09:04 PM

Amanda Simpson if you really watch them the orbs I mean. They do things dust wouldn't do! Jus sayin! Like it squiggles goes up, down turns around. It's cool? 😊💖 I did ask on YouTube when he showed the preview and he didn't say anything lol 😅


Oct 11 at 05:06 PM

Renee b I'm really bothered about what's happening to our animals too! Nature,the trees, plants, the oceans all of it! 🩷 😢


Oct 11 at 05:01 PM

Tim Ashley I saw that too. Weird huh 🤔


Oct 11 at 02:40 PM

Jada C. I can also email her and make sure she added you to the list! Sorry I wasn't able to go back and check if you left it or not. But I will email her now.
