
Jan 14 at 08:04 PM

I did a 4 day fast. In the middle of the 4th day, I got a sudden burst of energy. All the brain fog was gone. I hadn't felt so much excitement about life since I was a child probably. Sounds corny, but I really felt high on life! It was also very eye opening how much the food we eat is so harmful to not only our body, but mind, and soul


Jan 14 at 08:02 PM

Fasting, eating clean, taking care of my body


Commented on Angels & Demons

Jan 11 at 04:57 PM

Did anyone else notice all the orbs? 🌟

Replied on 🙏

Jan 10 at 09:35 PM

It reassures me that it is my decision to have a good day, or not. I control my reactions,and emotions. We are the creators of our world.🫶🫶

Commented on 🙏

Jan 10 at 06:35 PM

Have a good day! If you want to...

Replied on post was deleted

Sep 14 at 10:23 PM

Uncompliant not uncomplicated..

Commented on post was deleted

Sep 14 at 10:22 PM

2024 my 17yr old daughter was very unexpectedly diagnosed with brain cancer after a trip to the ER for a migraine. Although, we knew the odds were against us. They was she passed wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Her doctors refused to let me use hollistic treatment after her being completely stable while I was giving them to her for a month and half in between their treatment. This super aggressive tumor had no new regrowth. We were all shocked by that. 2 weeks into their clinical trial, the medicine did so much damage to her heart. It caused a heart attack and she wasn't able to recover. Her brothers and I are devastated. Trying to stay positive while going through such grief has been almost impossible. I wish I had been brave enough to go with my gut. Because she was a minor they said I would be uncomplicated if I didn't follow their direction.