Really good documentary. I'm ready and I am not afraid. I have a very clear memory of being on craft. I was calm, I didn't feel fear. It was like I knew what was happening and I was ok with it. I've had memories of some really good things. I know now that I am connected to them. It's all for the benefit of humanity. We need to stay open. Light and Love to you all. 🙏🏼
Alicia Hayward
Quincy, MA, United States
Mother 🙏🏼 Spiritual Lover 🙏🏼 Lightworker
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Commented on Surviving Sexual Assault
Dec 22 at 07:48 PM
I could write a book on this subject. I am a survivor I don't look at myself as a victim. The sad truth is even when you go to the authorities or a person who you think is your loving parent they do nothing. Our stories will be with us forever. Even when no one was there to hear or believe it. I still was able to heal. I know people say your life path is inevitable. I always wanted to do a pass life regression. Some things are a complete blackout left inside with no memory.Maybe id have some answers. Love and light to you all. ❤️🙏🏼