
Oct 16 at 05:42 AM

I'd love to be able to read his energy face to face. It would clear up a lot of questions. The energy I get from his interviews is unsettling at times. Honestly I'm surprised at the whole idea he puts forth of people needing to be recruited and trained or that abilities can be taken from someone. None of that is true. We all have these abilities and some of us already know how yo use many of them. It isn't something that can be "taken away".

Also, I've studied ancient egypt for many years. Ancient texts and tablets and in different languages. Some of what he is saying does NOT line up. Has me a little confused.

Oct 16 at 05:32 AM

To be honest, there are several things he says dint exist or are "bullshit" and I know he is incorrect from first hand experience. I read energy and something is... off. It's sorta like a lot of truth has been taken and content creation has been mixed in. I'm still sifting through but that's what I get. There is so much talk about raising vibrations and high energetic beings with technology and knowledge and yet they molest children? I'm starting to seriously questioning this.

Oct 16 at 05:19 AM

Some is similar to the law of one, but this often contradicts the law of one. It also contradicts the sumarian tablets. A great deal of this is accurate and these are things I knew. Some things however just don't line up.

Oct 15 at 11:09 PM

Hmmmm So according to what was said here was that the high priest molested young children, particularly boys? And according to you... YOU. Sorry but how exactly is this any different than what is done now in our time? Only now it's on a larger scale. Add to that, how is it they were supposed to be higher spiritual beings and doing that perverse stuff?? If this is "higher spirituality" I think I'll pass.

Oct 15 at 10:31 PM

Sorry but there are many of us out here who have battle scars and even lost loved ones by standing for ehat is right and true. For the love of many! To hold back what people need to aid in awakening is not a good thing to do.

Oct 15 at 09:00 PM

Sounds to me like you are talking about energy clearing and cleansing. I can do this. It is extremely taxing and it does sometimes make me sick. Very VERY drained. Though... I don't need any physical tools.

Oct 15 at 08:24 PM

Ray, how do you explain the sumerian tablets? Thise say something different than what you are saying. Would like your thoughts.


Oct 15 at 08:03 PM

The "bible" has definitely been altered and realtered. The message... the truth... all distorted and twisted to suite an agenda. I learned long ago that Jesus was an ascended master who came for one reason. To bring the truth. He said himself "truth will set you free". He never advocated for bloodshed. Never claimed to be god in the sense people claim. His teaching taught we are all one. That we are god and god is us. We are ALL connected. I shed the shackles of "religion" long ago.


Oct 15 at 07:46 PM

Ray Most people can't even understsnd that question let alone can they answer it. I struggle to process your energy sometimes, because there is so much... frustration, anger and agitation. I sense an energy of feeling both empowered and yet powerless at the same time. Yet I resonate with you on a level I can't explain. You have such a passion for standing against darkness and injustice. It is both beautiful and tormenting.

I just want to say... you made mention of your doing things you weren't proud of. I felt your energy in that moment. My advice would be to release that burden and simply forgive yourself. Shame, guilt and regret can become shekels. I'm trying to navigate all you are saying, and while it may be a struggle sometimes, because I am at the same time processing the energy I am reading, I am grateful you have taken on this endeavor. Much of what you say I already knew, other stuff resonates with me in a way that screams "wow! I knew that! I don't know how I know but I do!" Mosy of it is stuff I don't talk about or share with ANYONE. So... thank you! If for nothing else but the gift you have given me in knowing I am not crazy, because the downloads I get have made me question my own sanity at times.

Oct 15 at 06:27 PM

Csaba Szikra TLS can but refuses to. That is for different from "can't". It's literally WON'T.