English is created for control for slavery, disconection of self, categorizing those they cant understand. Our first language telepathy. My kids know when im happy the know not to mess with me, just by the way i look at them, or my energy.
I was deprived of my cultures language, te reo Maori. But, i am trying to learn Aramaic, im not interested in te reo maori, not because of the oppression. Because, i feel. It has been diluted. It developed from the first people of new zealand, hotu tribe/aborigines. I am so overwhelmed with all this awareness. I am blessed regardless the situation the past, i have now to learn,
Love conquers all, thats all our kids need. A reminder of the one we all know. Love. Thats how we win in this society.
Replied on Fingerprints of the Supernatural
Feb 18 at 03:29 PM
Enlow beautifully said, i see your heart. In scripture no matter the book, it has all the answers, when we understand the bright (a childs mentality of innocence) we understand love, wich i see of you. Wich is light n holy itself. Without the boundaries an examples set(awareness of all), we become stagnant, expansion is contained with little room to move or grow. In scripture it says all, light neutral and dark. With such precise perefection of our creator, we shall find our limited understanding and thats ok. For he knows, all is needed for freedom of choice, free will. Wich is the greatest gift of all time. With this awareness, we may understand the purpose of why, we are here, and we need to acknowledge the sacrifice not only of the creator, but our highest self amoungts our loved ones sacrifice of freedom. Judgement is of oneself, for those hearts made of darkness, are not wanting to endure the presence of love, light, holiness. Judgement is cast and bestowed by thy self. Our creator can, but does he have to? Trust in the process of all that is, for we are unconditionally supported, designed intentionally, with devine purpose. What a beautiful light, to call home i say. For i am he who is she and thee who is we as one. The 3n1💓