Liz Duff

Hastings, New Zealand

Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 11 at 04:37 PM

Its ok to not be ok. Limited understanding is something that holds me in theese places of thought. My reply similar, no we dont have gods, they just guides lol. Truth hurts i guess.

It is the truth, maybe not for us now, but as a collective over the years, collectively. We celebrate sabbath on sunday. Lol. Wt

When? Will the people remember.

25th dec, how many gods born?

The cross, symbolic of victory from the dark. Here we are praising who?

We have 240+ gods, children of the first.

This is written. Maori

Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 11 at 04:26 PM

Nikki Patrick Swartz say what? Knowing is enough. The more attention you give the more it expands and manifests. Love conquers all. Like a horse you cant make it drink it has to want to.

Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 11 at 04:22 PM

I found adi da on utube. His state of being is astonishing! State of love. This is something ive been trying, it is harrd. To not think. To not contract/react. But i am trying and i will achieve this state on earth. Mothers it should be easy, but society us attacking from all sides. But outlining beliefs that i subconsciously inherited but correcting as they dont align with me.

You are right! Power of thought. Shield yourself, like the armour of god. I put a shield over my house from negative frequencies like wifi. We sleep better. You have to know its their. Not hope not trust just know!

You can. Love always conquers all.


Commented on Angels & Demons

Jan 11 at 04:11 PM

Thankyou. I trust in what ray says. Not because of his circumstance, because deep inside, i know. It is the truth.

Maori alphabet? I am intrigued. Yes they believe in many gods, but, more as guides not gods. We do acknowledge Ēihõa. Āriki, wich is our one and only holy of holys. The creator of light.

We seek to the stars matariki (pleiades) for guidance of sustainability of life.

Thanku again ray, jason.

That prayer tho, maybe too much info? But i guess only the worthy can use the light for light.

Jan 11 at 04:15 AM

Self healing by design. A book by Barbara o'neill.

She has amazing recipes.

Amazing lady please look her up. I would compare her work to the infusion clinic in Germany. But more of a life style change.

Please look her up. Barbara oniel.

She is in america spreading her knowledge of self healing and sustaining a just lifestyle. Physically and spiritually.


Jan 11 at 03:52 AM

Working for money they print, indigenous people, claiming back thier heritage. We can't find our children in our institutions. We found tunnel's. Nz

Lockdown. Like only god can say stop right? From my understanding. With each tragedy (how we learn it seems) the light always shines brighter, we unite stronger and learn, we are actually really blessed. Unconditionally supported. Regardless of the circumstances.

Our government is weak and scared. But they have strengthened the people at the same time. We will unite, for love.

Jan 10 at 10:16 PM


Jan 09 at 04:08 PM

Im so proud of myself🙌 ive managed really well. #w8ng.😁

Like trump i guess.😁

Excited for "2025"

Jan 09 at 04:05 PM

Aaaaaahhhhhrrrgggg,,,, 😁😁😁


Dec 31 at 05:52 PM

Brent trust the process, is something i lack. But, i am getting there. Thankyou for your kind words. It is theese things, that people fail, to acknowledge. I appreciate you. Happy new year to all.