Liz Duff

Hastings, New Zealand


Feb 23 at 08:13 PM

Love conquers all.

With awareness of this, and the power of thought. Collectively we can change the frequency of ours.

 With so much going on in the world, a praise of, "we are with you", "we  send  love to you all", with compassion, appreciation and abundance of unconditional love and light to you. 

I am sure we can embrace our world with light, as all is light. With the knowing of the outline of dark, that helps us shine project further and further out into exsistance.

 With knowingness of the 3 in 1, we acknowledge all that is, and prefer the frequency of light of abundance, that is outlined by the darkness that is.

For i am he, who is she and thee wich is me.

Power of thought, we can.

Sending unconditional love to you.


Feb 23 at 06:32 PM

Without expectations just the frequency we prefer. Of knowing that all exsist purposefully and knowing its unique purpose as intended by all that is. For we are unconditionally supported by all that is.

Commented on Secret Space Program

Feb 23 at 06:29 PM

Project blue beam aye, thats why china has blue roofs.🤦‍♀️. I know, we can shield our homes through the power of thought. If we collectively want protection over our city, country or world. Collectively. I know we can.

Through intention of knowing without fear just the light of love, for it will do all that it needs to be.

Intention, of embracing the light, with the showdow outlined, as intended by all that is. With knowingness of all that is.

We can, collectively, move to a new idea of the 3 in 1. Positive neutral and negative. We need to think of this idea. Subconsciously.

Commented on Secret Space Program

Feb 22 at 11:52 PM

Thankyou ray and jason, im hoping, theres a sequel to this episode. Or another episode of conversations with ray. Thankyou again, for your unconditional love and support for all.

Feb 22 at 07:33 AM

Its amazing once you start to learn theese things, you see them growing around the houses that need them most🙌 unconditionally supported 😍


Commented on 🌿

Feb 22 at 07:31 AM

Yess please😍


Feb 22 at 02:40 AM

Brandy Adams oh🤔 interesting. He sais a little about things, but not in detail, just that, we have sorted it and now, we are providing from The Light Systems website. Wich is very humble of him. So long story short, we now, have a pure, understanding of how and who created this also, not distorting in any way. Am i correct. I had a phone call from the eesystem, but haven't heard or seen any details, ghey said they would send through inregards to purchasing one. I got left on seen basically.

Feb 22 at 02:35 AM

Wait what i missed all of this, can someone direct me into learning more of this please.

Feb 22 at 02:07 AM

Is this episode up? I just got an email saying it is up, but i cant find it, or am i confused? Is it just a live or conversations with ray please?

Feb 18 at 04:27 PM

Ohhh, wow, what an awareness to bring to those. This is something to understand as of parallel realities, energy that has implanted and once matched, seen with intent. Idk, what!

Unconditional love unto you.