
Commented on Rituals Of The Elite

Feb 01 at 11:56 PM

Yeah I don’t think I can handle any more of this type of thing. It breaks my heart too much. I am however interested in the solution, not the problem.


My question is, if we are creating a new reality every second, whose to say that the past is one concrete moment in time that happened one single way, I know it’s complicated to ponder different dimensions and realities, but if this is true for the currently, who is to say that this way of explaining the creation of humans is true along with others, because of multi-dimensions?? So I’m this case, Ray’s explanation is correct, and so is Daryl’s. Along with other explanations… I am on board with a lot of them. As a child, I remember crying because “God is an alien” and I didn’t understand. I was maybe 6-8 years old and at some point, I just pushed it away and didn’t explore it again until my mid 20s. Anyways, is it possible that multiple theories can be true simultaneously?

Dec 14 at 03:52 AM

Love this!! I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory play (at the local theater) the other day and definitely got a similar sense that it was way deeper than meets the eye! Would love to see a decode of that story as well!


Dec 14 at 03:07 AM

💡so lately I’ve been having so many “aha! moments” or whatever the word is for when certain experiences are just finally making sense.

I was diagnosed with a random thing back in 2018 when I was pregnant with my 3rd child. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. It wasn’t until literally just now it hit me the reason why I was experiencing those symptoms in my physical body. The doctor always said it was just a side effect of being overweight. If you look it up that is all they say, but if that’s the only reason why is it called “Idiopathic”… because they don’t understand why it happens to some people and not all. Anyways long story short, it causes a build up of cerebral spinal fluid into your brain and mimics tumor symptoms. I saw a neuro-ophthalmologist, neurologist, obgyn and a OB Specialist to keep a close eye on the baby. IIH causes blurry vision and can lead to optic nerve damage and blindness from the excess spinal fluid… looking back it has me LoLing… because I was literally SOOO BLIND SPIRITUALLY… what a SPOT ON WAY to tell me to wake up!!! 😆I didn’t believe in anything as far as afterlife/spirituality, I was in a huge funk emotionally and just very very still in life. Zero motivation for anything really. I slept a lot and was very depressed.. It wasn’t until after I had my daughter, I discovered Dolores cannon books and gradually started waking up from there, but it’s been a long road and I’m finally enjoying the ride. Being more aware is so refreshing! I’m sure this happens to everyone in some way or another just wanted to share!! Not only that, I remember waking up one day and deciding to stop the medication and that I wasn’t giving that specific problem any more attention, all my symptoms went away gradually and I just stopped thinking about it, the problem just vanished 🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn’t realize that this was the beginning of my awakening.

If anyone else would like to share something similar I’d love to hear!! Thanks much love to y’all 💕😊


Commented on ✨️✨️

Dec 11 at 11:31 PM

I have both M marks and my intuition has not been very good in the past lol I can get lost in my hometown for one and I am also incredibly naive sometimes and belive just about everything people say to me as the truth 😅sarcasm goes right by me sometimes as well. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nov 28 at 09:54 PM

So powerful love this!


Nov 28 at 06:50 AM

So glad I found unifyd tv also thankyou guys for so much awareness you have aided me in remembering! The info you have shared has resonated with me so much. I have always been incredibly open-minded. I was in gifted classes as a kid, I’ve always been an out of the box thinker. On the other hand, I believe just about everything people tell me. I perceived this as a negative aspect of myself up until recently… I was raised with a relaxed Christian background, church on holidays and funerals, but I have never bought into that fully, I always questioned religion. For a while I decided I wasn’t going to belive in anything, we just live and die and that’s it… I lived for a while like that. I would watch conspiracy videos about the evil-doers of the world and laugh at all the God fearing people being deceived… I always believed in extra terrestrials. I discovered Dolores Cannon and read several of her books and was introduced to the idea of reincarnation from her book between death and life. When I read that, I had a whole new perspective and knew it was true. A lot of her writings went right over my head, but still the reincarnation aspect stuck with me, and the element of the extra terrestrial involment. I always desired to know about the creation of humans and the answers to so many questions about existence. It wasn’t until I discovered your interviews with Ray when all my suspicions on what I considered as truth was tied together in a way I could finally understand how everything comes together. Anyways, I know I’m sharing my life story right now I just want you to know how much you have impacted me and my personal spiritual awakening. The Information you’re spreading is helping so many people like me and I know this is what you do it for, but I want to reiterate my sincere appreciation for you and your help!! I have been practicing meditation, seeking more awareness, listening to my body on what foods to eat, connecting with nature, just being present, using my thoughts to create the life I want, I believe my purpose is to also spread awareness. I have a passion and understanding for music in a way that it really speaks to me and I’m working to increase my skills with that and really communicate and create music that truly inspires others and awakens them to who they truly are. Right now I’m a mom of 3, a wife, an after school coordinator at an elementary school, and a songwriter lol but I am taking my new found awareness and applying it to my job and every day life- hoping to lead by example, spread love, and create a spark for others 💕


Nov 27 at 01:02 AM

Love this series, thank you so much for clearing so many things up for me and putting it in a way that I am able to learn and grow from it!!


Nov 20 at 09:56 PM



Nov 17 at 01:23 PM

Anyone know what kind of tree this is? The tall one with no leaves besides a little at the top. It’s different than the others and I was just wondering. Thanks!