
17 Jan 12:00

With a change in administration occurring imminently in the USA, it seems there is a new energy influencing the world over. 🌎 Whether you are feeling a positive or negative shift since the November 5th election, the shift itself has most likely been an intense experience. While some have voiced concerns over the future direction of governance in the Western world, others have expressed the need for an upheaval of the way things have been run.

What are your thoughts? Will the new presidency catalyze positive change, or are we headed down a dark path? 🤔



14 Jan 12:00

What is one incremental change that you can implement today that will reap you massive rewards by the end of the year (if carried out faithfully)?

And go. ⬇️



10 Jan 12:00

For some of us, our New Year's resolutions revolve around taking better care of our physical vessels, for it is the condition of our bodies that determines the quality of our experience and our impact in this lifetime (how much more spiritual can it get?). ✨ A major component of healthy bodies is healthy eating, and one of the best ways to ensure adequate nutrition is preparing our own meals using real, whole foods. 🥑🫘🥩

While homemade meals are borderline novelties in some nations (*cough cough* the West), cooking at home is as old as human civilization and is an art that mustn't be lost. Instead of reaching for your favorite premade boxed dinner or ordering from the nearest take-out, why not venture to prepare your own meal and surprise yourself with how enjoyable the process - and final product - can be? 🤌

If you're not sure where to start, the internet is an endless source of inspiration (bonus: it's free!). The Spruce Eats is just one example of many that contains a collection of over 10,000 recipes including categories for meal type, holiday dishes, seasonal ingredients, and more! If your interest is piqued, you can learn more at the link below:


What are some of your go-to resources for healthy diet inspo? Let us know in the comments below!



07 Jan 12:00

What does this quote mean to you? 



03 Jan 12:00

Have you heard?  The New Year begins with a dazzling cosmic event called the Quadrantid Meteor Shower! 🌠

On January 3rd & 4th, the Quadrantid Meteor Shower - an annual event - will reach peak activity, with up to 100 meteors visible per hour. The radiant - meaning the point in the sky where the meteors appear to originate - is near the Big Dipper (part of the larger constellation known as "Ursa Major"). 🌌 This means the best place to view the meteors is from the Northern Hemisphere late at night on January 3rd and shortly after midnight on January 4th.

No telescope is required - this event is visible to the naked eye. 🔭

To learn more about the Quadrantids, click here: https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/meteors-meteorites/quadrantids/

Will you be attending this celestial display? Let us know where in the world you'll be "tuning in" from. 👇



31 Dec 12:00

New Year Reflections ✨

As we approach the end of one year and the beginning of another, it's a pertinent time to reflect on how far we've come - and what we may have wanted to do differently. In a spirit of honoring the past and anticipating the future, we encourage you to share with our community…

One WIN from 2024 🏆

One LESSON from 2024 🙏


One CHANGE you plan to implement in 2025 💪

From our team to your part of the world, we wish you a blessed and abundant New Year ahead! 🥂



27 Dec 12:00

Any book lovers in the house? 🙋‍♀️

We love a good book; whether it be fiction or factual, there is a wellspring of inspiration that awaits us on the other side of the dust jacket 📕 (or for multitaskers, on the other side of Audible 🎧). While the haste of modern life seeks to retire the art of reading, we think it's a practice worth keeping around as it creates a sense of pause and affords us the opportunity to see our lives from a new perspective (which can be utterly life-changing).

So in honor of the persistent book worm - the one who refuses to succumb to the mundane of life without a good book in hand or an inspiring story in heart - we want to know:

What book are you currently reading or have you recently finished? 🧐 What were the main takeaways, and if relevant, how has it changed your life for the better?

Share your answers below 👇



24 Dec 12:00

If you've been paying attention the last 4 years, you know firsthand the whirlwind of revelations we've collectively witnessed in the realms of governance, finance, medicine, food production, and more. 😕 Life as we knew it underwent one big reality check as we came to realize that many of the current establishments don't have our best interest at heart after all. There's been an undercurrent of profit over people and a desire to control versus liberate humanity (and that's just plain 💩).

While it has been a very challenging time for most, it has also served to dismantle nefarious agendas by exposing them to the light (ie our conscious awareness). We asked our team members "What has been the most significant 'red pill' moment of your life?" 💊 and here are some of their answers:

Weather Modification ⛈️

The Banking Cartel 💵

Vaccine Injuries 💉

Monoculture Farming 🌽

Stealth Pathogens 🦠

Toxin Exposure ☣️

What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below. ⬇️



20 Dec 12:00

As many of you know, we deploy a weekly Sunday newsletter to our community that includes articles covering various topics, all intended to "educate and elevate" our audience members! 🙌 We strive to cover a wide variety of topics; however, everyone has biases (yes, even the author of your beloved newsletter) which can lead to some redundancies. While some may find this favorable (shout out to our deep divers!), others may prefer a broader spectrum of ideas to engage with. 💡

This is where your feedback comes into play! We take your interests seriously and want you to help shape future iterations of our newsletter. 📝 After all, the newsletter is intended for your benefit. While there will always be elements of surprise snuck into each publication, we'd love to know what topics are most relevant to your lives.

In the comments below, let us know the following:

1. Which topics have been your favorite

2. Which topics have been your least favorite (we know, that's a tough one 😉)

3. Which topics you would like to see more of

Confused as to which newsletter we're speaking of? Follow this link (and scroll ALL the way to the bottom of the webpage ⤵️) to sign up for our communications: https://unifydshop.com/



16 Dec 13:00

Economic inequality
5 %
Political corruption
38 %
Environmental destruction
4 %
Spiritual disconnection
46 %
Other (Comment Below 👇)
7 %
275 votes