Wasilla, AK, United States

07 Jan 03:39

Hi can i have the Ceo or whiever runs this app to reachout to me and Refund me please I thought I terminated my service last month and like 10 minutes ago. I just had my overdraft taken so I’m hoping people will cooperate with me. Otherwise I basically did not totally just consent to starving for the next two weeks. I would really like my 14.99 back.

Hey Bashar, if you read these messages, you need to start speaking about more mystical truths, and you need to speak more on the synthesis between the balance of the two poles you can’t just guide the normies Those of us that have been waiting a long time to know right action from wrong action in both polarity we deserve this and you being who you are you have access to things that we do not you more than have the power to correct a couple of things that I might call occult lies I would really appreciate it some shape or form seeing you speak more on both polarities and even speaking on the balance between the two seeing how the two are synthesized Give some gems to us ARCANE types too

Everything I took from this video as a Metaphysician and occultist is that the next step in our development for evolution is on the front of scientific genetics. We need to get a hold of a female Sasquatch donor and inseminate a human zygote into the mother as a carrier and even more so on picking and choosing genetics I think, taking a sample from a donor that has genetics from all of the mystical bloodlines. These types of donors are called seven sons in the elder tradition. Technically, I’m one of them, but I’m not offering myself as a test subject, however to find another with similar genetics to my own, would definitely be good for the world because mystical bloodlines, carryover knowledge, genetic memory, and other such things with them if we successfully developed these advancements, we would give birth to an all new level of human hybrid with the capacities to truly carry the markers, we need to survive and endure Additionally, if those advancements wound up proving fruitful, then an additional genetic splicing of a seimen sample Of a male gray, seeing as they are humans from a parallel dimension, and that semen sample should be taken and provided that the next human hybrid, be a female should continue the experiment by inseminating that zygote into her Completing the human Camera

02 Dec 00:21

Now you’re asking the right questions I sit here. I watch all these programs since I subscribed and I’ve been asking myself the same thing. It’s like they’re not telling people to revolt by showing them things that want them to revolt will also sitting there and expecting us to be complacent while they sit there and talk about how they surrender to complacency like the hypocrisy is actually pissing me off. They either are releasing this videos for our support or they’re just yanking our chain once again like most power plays


01 Dec 13:26

Knowledge of this magnitude is openly shared. I truly believe in some way shape or form, even if the poster does not realize it it could ultimately be collectively subliminal, but I truly believe that it is a sign that we must train ourselves, mind, body and spirit. it is a sign that we should have always been our own sigmas And that maybe and just maybe society was never supposed to be a collective of betas following an alpha, but a collective of Sigma‘s showing the alpha how to properly conduct themselves. I think the time has come for us to advance, but I don’t think it’s gonna come from them. I think it’s time for us to parent ourselves. And instead of fearing the enemy, maybe we need to start looking at the enemy as our teacher that way we can reverse engineer everything they might do we each have our own genius. We each have our own brilliance and we are all equally ignorant to something so we should stop feeling sorry for ourselves, but we should create what we know how to creat

01 Dec 12:49

This was so beautiful 😭 i wish more people who were brilliant like this came into the world 😭
