Wasilla, AK, United States

01 Dec 13:26

Knowledge of this magnitude is openly shared. I truly believe in some way shape or form, even if the poster does not realize it it could ultimately be collectively subliminal, but I truly believe that it is a sign that we must train ourselves, mind, body and spirit. it is a sign that we should have always been our own sigmas And that maybe and just maybe society was never supposed to be a collective of betas following an alpha, but a collective of Sigma‘s showing the alpha how to properly conduct themselves. I think the time has come for us to advance, but I don’t think it’s gonna come from them. I think it’s time for us to parent ourselves. And instead of fearing the enemy, maybe we need to start looking at the enemy as our teacher that way we can reverse engineer everything they might do we each have our own genius. We each have our own brilliance and we are all equally ignorant to something so we should stop feeling sorry for ourselves, but we should create what we know how to creat

01 Dec 12:49

This was so beautiful 😭 i wish more people who were brilliant like this came into the world 😭
