Ruben Fontes

Nov 30 at 02:08 AM

Ruben Fontes explain that to me, if no one can do it without learning, I learned how to do some pretty amazing things on my own, ok, playing video games, different ones and mastering them can help strengthin this ability granted I stopped playing vg when I was 16 got bored to easy,  but it teaches you how to use different sets of controls and adaptability 

Nov 30 at 02:05 AM

Ruben Fonteshonestly the trick in it is to say any word, if you can say a certain word that keeps your mind focus but literally any word will do,  as long as your mind and heart head to toe, head to soul have intent you can if you're able to you can initiate these abilities, it doesn't happen over night, you literally have to do it everynight, you can't stop can't give up

if you do it for a week then give up, then you didn't have intent strong enough intent to make it happen,

another tip throughout the day while your awake if you can you don't have to, think about what your planning to achieve all day, if not your life is to distracting just think about it feel it, truly want it here and there, the more you base your desire on achieving this goal the more likely your gonna stumble upon it

for me it was the person that passed away, , right, just start with that cause you'll most likely have a strong emotional attachment to them which will really strengthen the initiation process ok love you all

Nov 30 at 01:56 AM

I don't know if i'd talk to the same being or if I'd be talking to there energy that there body left behind, kinda like obi wan, sounds silly but this is real, I can talk to people that have been passed away in my sleep,  

I can also induce a sleep walking state, self explanatory, but I would again repeat a word over and over again

also I can induce a sleep paralysis if I can explain (which I don't care I got the title of my exps right soda or pop depends on your timezone if you understand me than that's great) anyways I'm awake but my body is asleep, like I can hear and see but my body can't move and it snores but I can't really move and if I try to move I'll start shaking or seizing sounds serious but it's not, it be like pressing a button seiz don't seize bam bam, ykwim, sometimes while i'd be in sleep paralysis mode my body will start screaming and moaning which proves to me my  body has it's own feelings and thoughts, my body and me are really 2 beings working together as one,

Nov 30 at 01:11 AM

are their any beings that are plant based or fungus based, also are there any worlds where meat grows out of the ground like vegetables, I think plants are conscious and that it would be more humane to eat another being that has consent to be eaten, but then it's like your choosing suicide, so there's really no humane way to consume another being, also every cell in your body has another individual being occupying it, your body is literally an entity made of billions of entities  working together to give you an experience

Nov 30 at 12:57 AM

I just thought I was crazy as well but seeing and hearing what your saying is what lines up with my experience, also the best way to initiate this ability is to recite the same thing over and over, fast, anything, your mind needs intent, once you have intent in your heart and mind, it will work, now it won't work instantly  your first try, you have to do it every night, every night, it developed your brain into being able to,  also you can talk to people that have passed away by doing this, idk if its them the soul or just their spirit and endless energy that was left kinda like obi wan and Yoda, I love art good way to use examples.

Nov 30 at 12:51 AM

I would be asleep and I would see whats happening in another room, or my friends house, no one would believe me and would say i'm creeping around their windows, I just don't member the pov I was in I just now I witness things that happen close by,

Nov 30 at 12:50 AM

lik honestly I think I learned how to do this on my own a few years ago, I also learned how to put my self in a sleep walk, and how to initiate a sort of aleep paralysis, where I can hear what's going on around me and if my eyelids were open even the slightest I can see, but the thing is if I move or try to move I would initiate seizures, but only when I try to move, soon as I stop trying to move my seizing would stop.....and I remember my oobe would be induced through repetitive word or thought or idk, I think you can initiate this sequence with any words you want really

Nov 30 at 12:46 AM

ok I understand you saying you can't do it with out learning, but I think there is some wrong there, but possibilities are endless, ok,,,,,     with that being said , their has to be some being and people who really are stumbling upon this realization on there own, or some minds that are capable of learning through curiousity based exposure i guess

I've  stumbled upon this ability on my own couldn't figure out what it was, but I would recite the same word any word over and over until I fall asleep, this is me in my very early 20's, I would do this and I would have the craziest exp's, like I could witness what goes on in my neighbor's house I would go to them the next day mourning and tell them what I seen them doing, they would call me creepy 

also I can induce many different exps' 

like if I want to talk to a person that's passed away all I have to do is say something like talk to mom over and over, if it didn't work one night i'd do it the every night till it does work

Commented on Epstein Black Book

Nov 29 at 01:59 AM

opra too

Nov 28 at 04:52 PM

can we get an E.T. on camera