
Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 13 at 03:29 PM

Amber Barnett That doesn't make sense as defining a person. It looks to me it's more about demonizing woman? And the marriage part is interesting?

Commented on Preparing For Contact

Jan 13 at 12:03 PM

This is amazing wow


Commented on Birth Chart

Jan 13 at 10:25 AM

Beautiful explanations!!


Commented on Angels & Demons

Jan 13 at 10:03 AM

I channeled something quite awhile ago about archetypal forces which was difficult for me to put into words and I still am not sure that I can. But what I want to say is Jason, your comment about the Gods/Goddess is absolutely on point.

Different backgrounds, cultures, and religions can get into touch with specific beings or energetic forces due to their systems of belief and their intentions. But they arnt all fake. I say all becomes some have definitely been made up.

Many of the Gods in India are not "made up". They were channeled in. They are of the same source. Energy amd belief is what feeds them just like anything.

And to call them Pagan is slightly rude to their cultural beliefs.

Pagan was a word used by Christians to say "not christian" and called all Pagans el Diablo (the devil/evil) and that which is an adversary to God (Satan i.e. Satan worshipers). Satan got made into a being through this. Pagans became satanic. But according to christian theology, anyone who is not christian is pagan/satanic. With this perspective... oof it just dont look good for Ray to someone like me.

Jason - your not wrong.

I'm sorry i can't let this down it's frustrating!!

I'm trying to control things i think.

This gunna be my last comment to this. I apologize.

I gata let this go.

P.s. those who are Pagan ARE NOT SATAN WORSHIPERS not in REAL LIFE.

Satan was created to look like the Pagan God of earth, who's half buck.. paganism -the actual religion/craft was here first. The inverted pentagram was not meant for Satan or evil, but the God of earth.

This was my personal awakening. All the information that was stolen to look like something it's not. I will add that the good of earth and nature is also a protector of children! Pan, curnunos (spell check - i apologize). These Gods have been seen as separate to some and to others one in the same. But this God who has horns is not an "evil satan" (edit) LIKE in the terms of christian theology and how they play it out to be.

Most Christians have no idea how they've become flying Monkeys to the most conditioned mechanism of control (not fake news) because they choose to not further their education except that of the Bible but look away from their Gods genocide. Makes no sense to me.

Ok NOW I'm done.

(Out of breath seriously I'm doooone).

I just really hope some people found some of my comments and got some truth in the confusion!)

Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 13 at 09:50 AM

Michelle Perry there's a text i accidently forgot to tag you.

I wanted to mention, those who recieve information like this from the source, it's important to know that oir biased and core beliefs will alter that which we recieve and sometimes even reject information all together.

Alot of personal inner work must be done to understand this and to try to create the cleanest channel possible.

It will come in as a language we understand. So again, when one doesn't know, that's okay to say this. And to be mindful that many who come from different backgrounds will recieve information differently.

It's up to us to determine that which best fits and makes sense.

Unfortunately, when lies come out, and those lies are given attention by many, they are given life alot of times. And lies can actually become truth.

And I think many who work above us, government-religions-they knows this power.

Blessed be


Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 13 at 09:40 AM

He honestly gives an attitude of a prechristian lightworker. Nothing wrong with this, other than the bias it forms within the subconscious and the inability to understand the darkness in the world of energy. Edit -> darkness is human perception. The attachments are only doing as they were created to do. Nothing is "dark" really in that world. But lost, it can be.

Though some ignore the "darkness" alltogether but he definitely did not do that.

Let me say because I sound like an asswhole and I promise it's the fact that it's just text - I respect that he's here, I agree Angels were created not born, I also got the messages that some angels can be humans first and him saying this confirms that message as others who i know feel they know more although do not channel disagreed having me doubt my sanity lol. Thank you Ray.

Everything he said about Angels has been on point, for the most part in my understanding, except that of fallen angels. This i will not touch as I have not been able to get clear answers, but I definitely never recieved the info that it was all lies.

The information out there about lucifer? (Not from this video nor about Ray, but in general), it's wrong. I haven't yet got all the answers, but what I can tell you is the bearer of light, the illuminator of truth, the liberator and freer of the captive, is not evil. And actually has a much closer energetic frequency to Jesus, as well as similarities in works.

Jesus being human? Wrong lol. He was an angel on earth.

Okay I'll stop im rambling.

My point is there's SO MUCH one can still learn. I urge a more open mind for Ray but I deeply appreciate the work he's done and that which I haven't seen I'll give all the credit.

I am sorry for being so highly opinionated. These are messages too that I've recieved and I don't get to say when. Haven't learned that. So I maybe got a bit offended. I'll work on that.

Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 13 at 09:29 AM

Michelle Perry Anyone who needs it will recieve it. That's all that matters.

Thank you.

I can understand Ray being frustrated to a point. But I feel like it's not fair to those seeking answers to have hopes up that someone out there is willing to give them and them come here to find this. Maybe Ray needs help/partners?

I apologize to come on here like I been here. I haven't. I have not seen other videos.

But as a channel to source myself and been learning <- keyword <- to utilize this to work with Angels and planetary spirits, he still seemed closed minded and biased. And any answer he didn't have/know/like he chocked it up to bullshit. I disagree hard.

I do value what he did give, but the first thing people who are truly open to true answers learn is that sometimes there's shit we don't understand, and it's okay to say that we dont yet understand.

I feel like what people are missing is the idea of what energy looks like. It's not easy to create this idea, but it can be done.

You can help people understand that source energy engulfs all, but within there are layers and pieces which are separated within the whole due to different frequencies. What does this look like? Bugs and birds and animals on earth. Or in smoke? Different frequency equal to the idea of size?

What comes in right now is these are the layers which create the ideas of all those those believe is an illusion.

But there is so much to that which we don't understand.

I FEEL -- Ray should decide to be okay with what HE SIGNED UP for, or he can ask for help? Or... well I'll stop there. I am new here and have no room.

I am just frustrated as someone who channels information to see someone be so closed minded and crude to other "beliefs" which he decides is not true.

And people are not demons, and we do create them, but they form outside of us as attachments.

Idk if you saw that comment but it's too much to say again atm so early in the morning.

These are of course opinions and i love you have your partners back and I am by no means passing judgement as a human being. I don't know the guy.

I'm only speaking to seeing this one video, newby here, and from a perspective of a viewer eager to learn and an inexperienced channel or of the Divine lol.

Thank you

Replied on Angels & Demons

Jan 12 at 06:33 PM

Satan isn't real.

Do your research around Judaism and the origin of Christianity and exactly how hebrew is translated and how many times the word Satan is mentioned and the Latin origin of Diablo discussing a devil is talking about evil and Satan is away from god an adversary but not a physical being.

Nor is Satan and lucifer the same.

Religion has people believing crazy things and this is the oldest of it

Jan 12 at 12:40 PM

I knew it wasn't an accident.

But I thought it was Diddy, not the government 🤔😕.



Jan 12 at 12:39 PM

