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September 24

These people think they are falling me but a few years ago i did some concret and wrote my name in it ste and then every body started spelling my name ste online a strang way to spell my name and the only way they could know to spell my name that way is if every body is watching me and on my face book page find a friend people from all over the world comes up and the only way that could happen is if people are talking about me the funny thing they throught by isolating me i would break but i found myself and im happier now by my self then i was trying to fit in so all they did was make my life better and i know things are falling apart for them the truth all ways comes out lies have lots of little flakes in them and the can’t rember ther last lie so it just keep on breaking down on them the moire they struggle the faster it will break down on them like quick sand

September 24

The difference between the devil and the creater iand me is we been thinking of this for years and throught of every move they can make and got a card to beat it and the devil and other side are rushing to catch up and make big mistakes it fucking funny watching them try and beat us every move all ready been throught off i just got to pull the card out when im ready its like a game of chees there’s only so meany moves they can make and we got one to beat it

September 24

Getting a bit sick of all the clips of video games of the ukreen war the granites are shit they look so fake that no one would believe they were religious dont know why they keep been put on my YouTube feed so far i think Putin has been killed about 6 times in different things do they think they have any affect on me it looks like children trying to play games with me becaus they dont know what they are doing just beating the same old dead horse for the last 24 just about 25 years and it has not worked yet all they look like to me is clones they should joine the cirus

September 24

I saw some were maybe fb but most of the people going done for sex crimes are collard people bill crosby p daddy are the white guys throwing them under the bus to stay in the clear i love been a shit strewing cunt get the collard people thinking they might be next they dont know dog eat dog now who going to throne who under the bus

April 07

a new arrival of "Sacred Geometry" art at Quantum Rejuvenation (EES) in Raleigh, NC

August 14
August 20

The GREAT AWAKENING is upon us. let us surrender our hearts and be elevated into a higher state of awareness where LOVE HEALS and guides The WAY to wholeness.

August 25
• Edited (Aug 25, 2024)

I am very excited to share this recent video about the Sacred Geometry artwork located at the EES QUANTUM REJUVENATION in North Raleigh NC. It adds an ambiance to the space that brings attention to the subtle nuances embodied in this visionary futuristic art.

*see video here:

September 23

አሁን ዲችኦቶ የሚካሄደው እንቋቁልሽ ጨዋታዎች በቅርቡ መፍትሔ ይሰጣቸዋል ። እውነቱን እናውራ ካልን በመንደፍ ጨዋታ ማንም አይበልጠንም ወዳጄ ክብር እንጂ በእውቀትም ሆነ በፊትግያ አንበልጥም ። አንበጣና ሚዳቆችን በጋራ እናጥፋ ❗️❗️ 👌👌👌👌👌👌✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅

September 23

አሁን ዲችኦቶ የሚካሄደው እንቋቁልሽ ጨዋታዎች በቅርቡ መፍትሔ ይሰጣቸዋል ። እውነቱን እናውራ ካልን በመንደፍ ጨዋታ ማንም አይበልጠንም ወዳጄ ክብር እንጂ በእውቀትም ሆነ በፊትግያ አንበልጥም ። አንበጣና ሚዳቆችን በጋራ እናጥፋ ❗️❗️ 👌👌👌👌👌👌✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅