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September 16

And in nz all our kiwi saver is really doing is making the ritch richer its not helping the people out if we do what i say to do with it the people get richer from lower taxes

September 16

If you find out how much tax the ritch and work how much tax you actually pay like in nz we have pay tax GST 15% fuel tax so most people here are paying more then the ritch so the workers are carrying the ritch like the government here likes high prices as they get 15% on every thing so the higher the price off some thing the more the make so they dont want things to drop in price

September 16

In New Zealand we this thing kiwi saver were they take money off you for your retirement and put it in the sheer market well a few weeks ago the sheer market just about crushed so everyone just about lost all there money but if you took all that money and payed off ov overseas deat we could prolly wipe it out by doing that you might be able to get higher retunes on your money then the sheer market as the banks are takeing half of your money any way and if you gear to buy roads to save 60% on the makeing of the roads and built a supermarket change and gas and you would have the gas stashion at the supermarket so one stop and a lot of things dont cost much to set up like a insurance compeny you got a lot of money coming in not much going out most of time selling power to the people it really only sending out bills and you could have your own accounts compeny to do taxes and you could have create ways to save money on tax’s as you got money from them useing your compeny and banks so you could have a lot of money combing in from these compeneys for little expence with all these things you could prolly get ride of GST witch would cut the cost of every thing by 15% there’s a lot of things you can do

September 09

Well this is interesting… 🤔🫣💉🦠
The first clip is from the opening scene of I am legend. The second clip is from a live interview that apparently aired in the UK, at the beginning of 2024. She speaks about the mRNA technology that was used in the covid vaccine, being utilized as a similar strategy, to this potential new cancer vaccine…


August 28
• Edited (Aug 28, 2024)


Let's see what kind of animalistic energy we have in our community!🤩  

Question of the day is, Who is you spirit animal?! 

If you haven't thought about it before, try to connect to a specific animal by tuning in to your personality traits, your motivations, your values, your morals, the way you treat your friends and family, they way you parent, the way you learn, the way you teach, the way you provide, the way you nurture! What animal do you feel the most connected too on a deeper soul level? 

Let's see your answers!👇

September 15

If you look at the uninployed number in your country ant think that every new bissiness is worth about 40000 + to the government someone leaves a job so you get one of the benifet and then you get pay tax and the new bissiness tax so if you can get most of the people off the benifet it worth for each between 40000 to 20000 to the country you go from 10000 deat to 20000 profit just like that

September 15

Just went down to shift the heifers i went to wind up on fence herd a quack looked down in the ditch there was a duck and her baby’s just quality swimming along never been so close to a wild duck and it not freaking out must be something happing like a quitting force come over the world and seeing a lot mor birds around lately they are all coming back

August 26

Hello UNIFYD Family💜

Let's start this week off right! 

Today we are asking you, "What does your Utopia look like?"

At a quick glimpse, the aesthetic of these Utopian places are very attractive! But feel into it more. Go within.

Think of the climate, the elements, the ability to explore, the animals, the feelings you get while being there...  If you could pick one of these locations to be your very own Utopia, which would you pick?🤩

Let's see your answers in the comments!😍👇

September 05
• Edited (Sep 05, 2024)

We want to know, "What is your content vibe?"
Do you prefer more of the thrilling documentaries like The Phenomenon, Bob Lazar and Missing 411?🛸
Or do you prefer educational workshops like Forming The Formless and Accessing Your Must Dimensional Self?🧘‍♀️
Or do you prefer more of the uncensored and disclosure type of content such as Root Cause, Saving The Children and The Great Awakening?🔎
Or do you prefer a more light hearted and eye-opening series like Portal to the Pleiadians and Beyond the Surface of America? 😃
Or do you prefer spiritual and thought provoking content like Messages from Bashar or Ayahuasca Source For The Soul? 💫
Do you prefer a film, a documentary or a series? What is your niche? What do you get the most excited about?
But the real question is: What would YOU like to see more of, on UNIFYD TV?!😍👇

September 15

If there are laws saying damenging the ecomeny makes you a terrestrial then the governments of the world are terrestrial giveing to billioners is not good for the ecomeny as it loses jobs puts the country in deute and damages the ability for people to creat new bissiness and jobs to grow the ecomeny