August 28, 2023

The aliens Reptilian, never gave humanity technology. They gave them science.Which they hold back to make a profit.come on, the aliens were not like, here's a microwave, go make some money lol humanity was given knowledge of science, which it used for its own greater good. They have merely kept the knowledge to themselves and sent us chasing our puppy tails in reverse what is folliw the money?? But throwing it in reverse?
When you think of, mind racing what is the reverse? Think of it through heart with love and light as a tru spiritual being. They already try to make your minds wonder enough.
What is the age of love? A new ideology, way of thinking and being..
You know why skulls and bones works? They are consciousness with each other. They hold no secrets, everybody knows what the other is already doing full transparency. All good because everyone doing evil shit right... while they put voices in our heads that no one speaks of, come on we all talk to ourselves
While we can not even have transparency with ourselves they fear the new ideology right Ray.. .