And there’s a song by the who its a legal matter so there’s must be a triple going on and the law stats that every one is aloud there day in court so if i am not ment to know I about it and not been to ours aboutrhats going ion its a miss carnage of justic ant the court is acting with crimal intent because the law stats the law can’t be Chang to covet someone because it creates a unfair trial and the law was changed to convict me so the really crimals are the politishions and the legal system you uphold a law that was made illgely then you become the crimal and the law stats no one is above the law that means judges lawyers and politishions so the system is been run by crimals and the law stats knot knowing the law is no excuses for breaking the law and when its your job to know thhe law and you break the law then it willingly and knowingly breaking the law so you are a crimale