November 15, 2023
• Edited (Nov 15, 2023)

Another crazy thing first heard from my strange friend.

I am talking about my friend referenced here:

I was on a longer fast at a time when I met my friend again. When he found out on what day of the fast I was at, he pleaded with me to give him my urine. He was saying that when you fast for as long as I did at that time, that urine had very powerful healing properties. I found it gross and declined. He then urged me to drink my own urine. I thought he really lost it and dismiss him.

He was trying to help people by giving them all these herb-based concoctions. He was claiming he was getting herbs directly from Tibet through some kind of secret venue. He was basically a natural healer. In fact, he even confined in me what some of the secret ingredients in his concoctions were.

Great is my amazement now to see another strange thing that my friend wanted to teach me about, taught now on UNIFYD. E.g. (Urine Therapy: A Workshop ( ).  Life is interesting, isn't it?