November 15, 2023
• Edited (Nov 15, 2023)

When I was in college

Some good years ago, while in college I met this "crazy" guy who really wanted to befriend me. He was telling me all these unbelievable stories from his time in Tibet.
Like of people many, many hundreds of years old.
Or who could transform not only into animals but also plants, like beautifully and fully blossomed trees.
Things that, as he was saying, his mind had a hard time comprehending and coming to terms with, even to that day.  And I could see the perplexity in his eyes while he was saying that.

On the other hand, people were saying that some married women were irresistibly drawn to him, and he didn't chase them away. He had some kind of explanation to me, that it was not immoral because they needed him, their husbands were not taking care of them, etc. How could he have been of God, I said? 

I concluded that he was most probably just telling some tall stories or things he read in some books and stopped my relationship with him. Also, he was in the news quite a bit, reporters were now chasing me too, I am a very private person, I didn't like that.

Strange to now hear again similar stories at UNIFYD, after so many years. Life is really interesting, isn't it?